How To Say Price In French

Learning how to say “price” in French can be helpful in many situations, like shopping, dining, or asking for information. Understanding this word will allow you to communicate effectively when traveling or speaking with French speakers. It’s a practical first step for anyone learning the language.

In French, there are several ways to refer to the concept of “price.” Each one can be used in different contexts, such as casual conversations or more formal settings. This guide will teach you the main way to say “price” in French, other useful phrases, how to respond in related situations, and practice exercises to help you feel confident. Let’s get started!

Ways to Say “Price” in French

When talking about the cost of something in French, there are different ways to refer to “price.” Knowing these terms can help you sound more natural, whether you’re shopping at a market, discussing expenses, or dining out. Below are some of the most common ways to say “price” in French, with their pronunciations and examples to guide you.

1. Prix

Pronunciation: pree
Meaning: Price
In a Sentence:

  • Quel est le prix de ce sac? (What is the price of this bag?)
  • Le prix des billets est élevé cette année. (The ticket prices are high this year.)

2. Coût

Pronunciation: koo
Meaning: Cost or Price (general expenses)
In a Sentence:

  • Quel est le coût de cette réparation? (What is the cost of this repair?)
  • Le coût de la vie augmente chaque année. (The cost of living increases every year.)

3. Tarif

Pronunciation: tah-reef
Meaning: Rate or Price (often used for services)
In a Sentence:

  • Connaissez-vous le tarif pour une chambre double? (Do you know the rate for a double room?)
  • Les tarifs des taxis varient selon la ville. (Taxi rates vary by city.)

4. Montant

Pronunciation: mohn-tahn
Meaning: Amount (used to describe a sum of money)
In a Sentence:

  • Le montant total est de 50 euros. (The total amount is 50 euros.)
  • Avez-vous le montant exact pour le paiement? (Do you have the exact amount for the payment?)

5. Valeur

Pronunciation: vah-luhr
Meaning: Value or Price (used to express worth)
In a Sentence:

  • Quelle est la valeur de cet objet? (What is the value of this item?)
  • La valeur du dollar change constamment. (The value of the dollar changes constantly.)

6. Somme

Pronunciation: sohm
Meaning: Sum or Total Price
In a Sentence:

  • Pouvez-vous me dire la somme exacte? (Can you tell me the exact sum?)
  • Cette somme est trop élevée pour mon budget. (This sum is too high for my budget.)

7. Étiquette

Pronunciation: ay-tee-ket
Meaning: Label or Price Tag
In a Sentence:

  • L’étiquette montre un prix réduit. (The label shows a discounted price.)
  • Où est l’étiquette de ce produit? (Where is the price tag for this product?)

8. Frais

Pronunciation: freh
Meaning: Fees or Charges (used for additional costs)
In a Sentence:

  • Les frais d’expédition sont inclus. (The shipping fees are included.)
  • Il y a des frais supplémentaires pour le service. (There are additional charges for the service.)

9. Note

Pronunciation: noht
Meaning: Bill or Price (used in restaurants or for services)
In a Sentence:

  • La note au restaurant était raisonnable. (The bill at the restaurant was reasonable.)
  • Pouvez-vous m’apporter la note, s’il vous plaît? (Can you bring me the bill, please?)

10. Devis

Pronunciation: duh-vee
Meaning: Quote or Estimated Price
In a Sentence:

  • Je vais demander un devis pour les travaux. (I will ask for a quote for the work.)
  • Ce devis inclut tous les frais nécessaires. (This quote includes all the necessary fees.)

11. Réduction

Pronunciation: ray-dook-syohn
Meaning: Discount or Reduced Price
In a Sentence:

  • Y a-t-il une réduction pour les étudiants? (Is there a discount for students?)
  • Cette boutique offre une réduction de 20%. (This shop offers a 20% discount.)

12. Promotion

Pronunciation: pro-mo-syohn
Meaning: Promotion or Special Price
In a Sentence:

  • Cette télévision est en promotion cette semaine. (This TV is on promotion this week.)
  • Profitez de la promotion avant qu’elle ne se termine. (Take advantage of the promotion before it ends.)

13. Tarif réduit

Pronunciation: tah-reef ray-dwee
Meaning: Reduced Rate
In a Sentence:

  • Le musée propose un tarif réduit pour les enfants. (The museum offers a reduced rate for children.)
  • Avez-vous des billets à tarif réduit? (Do you have tickets at a reduced rate?)

14. Chiffre

Pronunciation: sheefr
Meaning: Figure or Price (numeric value)
In a Sentence:

  • Le chiffre exact sera déterminé demain. (The exact figure will be determined tomorrow.)
  • Quel est le chiffre inscrit sur le document? (What is the figure written on the document?)

15. Facture

Pronunciation: fak-tur
Meaning: Invoice or Bill
In a Sentence:

  • J’ai oublié de payer ma facture d’électricité. (I forgot to pay my electricity bill.)
  • Pouvez-vous m’envoyer la facture par email? (Can you send me the invoice by email?)

16. Ristourne

Pronunciation: rees-toorn
Meaning: Rebate or Discount
In a Sentence:

  • Le vendeur m’a offert une petite ristourne. (The seller gave me a small rebate.)
  • Vous pouvez demander une ristourne si vous payez en espèces. (You can ask for a rebate if you pay in cash.)

17. Vente

Pronunciation: vont
Meaning: Sale Price (context of discounts or sales)
In a Sentence:

  • Il y a une vente spéciale ce weekend. (There is a special sale this weekend.)
  • Les vêtements en vente sont au fond du magasin. (The sale items are at the back of the store.)

18. Offre

Pronunciation: offr
Meaning: Offer or Price Offer
In a Sentence:

  • Quelle est votre meilleure offre pour cette voiture? (What is your best offer for this car?)
  • Cette offre est valable jusqu’à la fin du mois. (This offer is valid until the end of the month.)

19. Marché

Pronunciation: mar-shay
Meaning: Market Price or Bargain
In a Sentence:

  • Les prix au marché sont souvent négociables. (The prices at the market are often negotiable.)
  • Ce produit est disponible à bon marché. (This product is available at a good price.)

20. Cote

Pronunciation: koht
Meaning: Quotation or Market Value
In a Sentence:

  • La cote actuelle de ce produit est très élevée. (The current market value of this product is very high.)
  • Vous devez vérifier la cote avant d’acheter. (You need to check the quotation before buying.)

21. Dépense

Pronunciation: day-pons
Meaning: Expense or Cost
In a Sentence:

  • Les dépenses pour le mariage étaient énormes. (The expenses for the wedding were huge.)
  • Cette dépense n’était pas prévue dans le budget. (This expense was not planned in the budget.)

22. Charge

Pronunciation: sharj
Meaning: Charge or Fee
In a Sentence:

  • La charge de livraison est incluse. (The delivery charge is included.)
  • Il y a des charges supplémentaires pour les articles lourds. (There are extra charges for heavy items.)

23. Budget

Pronunciation: boo-jay
Meaning: Budget or Price Range
In a Sentence:

  • Mon budget pour cet achat est limité. (My budget for this purchase is limited.)
  • Avez-vous des suggestions dans mon budget? (Do you have suggestions within my budget?)

24. Aubaine

Pronunciation: oh-ben
Meaning: Bargain or Great Deal
In a Sentence:

  • Ce prix est une véritable aubaine! (This price is a real bargain!)
  • J’ai trouvé une aubaine pendant les soldes. (I found a bargain during the sales.)

25. Achat

Pronunciation: ah-shah
Meaning: Purchase or Price of Purchase
In a Sentence:

  • Quel est le prix d’achat de cette maison? (What is the purchase price of this house?)
  • L’achat de ce produit inclut une garantie. (The purchase of this product includes a warranty.)

26. Enchère

Pronunciation: ahn-shehr
Meaning: Bid or Auction Price
In a Sentence:

  • J’ai remporté l’enchère pour cette peinture. (I won the bid for this painting.)
  • Le prix d’enchère était plus élevé que prévu. (The auction price was higher than expected.)

27. Honoraires

Pronunciation: oh-noh-rehr
Meaning: Professional Fees (used for services like legal or medical)
In a Sentence:

  • Les honoraires de l’avocat sont assez élevés. (The lawyer’s fees are quite high.)
  • Avez-vous une estimation pour les honoraires du médecin? (Do you have an estimate for the doctor’s fees?)

28. Paiement

Pronunciation: pay-mohn
Meaning: Payment or Amount Due
In a Sentence:

  • Le paiement doit être effectué avant la livraison. (The payment must be made before delivery.)
  • Pouvez-vous confirmer le montant du paiement? (Can you confirm the payment amount?)

29. Tarif horaire

Pronunciation: tah-reef or-air
Meaning: Hourly Rate or Price
In a Sentence:

  • Quel est le tarif horaire pour ce service? (What is the hourly rate for this service?)
  • Le tarif horaire varie selon les qualifications. (The hourly rate varies depending on qualifications.)

30. Prix fixe

Pronunciation: pree feeks
Meaning: Fixed Price
In a Sentence:

  • Ce restaurant offre un menu à prix fixe. (This restaurant offers a fixed-price menu.)
  • Le vendeur ne négocie pas; c’est un prix fixe. (The seller doesn’t negotiate; it’s a fixed price.)

31. Cotisation

Pronunciation: koh-tee-zah-syohn
Meaning: Contribution or Membership Fee
In a Sentence:

  • La cotisation annuelle est de 50 euros. (The annual membership fee is 50 euros.)
  • Chaque membre doit payer une cotisation. (Each member must pay a contribution.)

32. Offre spéciale

Pronunciation: offr speh-syell
Meaning: Special Offer or Price
In a Sentence:

  • Profitez de l’offre spéciale avant qu’elle expire! (Take advantage of the special offer before it expires!)
  • Cette offre spéciale inclut une réduction de 30%. (This special offer includes a 30% discount.)

33. Bon marché

Pronunciation: boh mar-shay
Meaning: Inexpensive or Cheap Price
In a Sentence:

  • Ce magasin propose des vêtements à bon marché. (This store offers clothes at inexpensive prices.)
  • C’est rare de trouver un produit de qualité à bon marché. (It’s rare to find a quality product at a cheap price.)

34. Argent

Pronunciation: ar-zhahn
Meaning: Money or Price (informal context)
In a Sentence:

  • Combien d’argent dois-je apporter pour le billet? (How much money should I bring for the ticket?)
  • L’argent que j’ai payé ne valait pas ce produit. (The money I paid wasn’t worth this product.)

35. Frais généraux

Pronunciation: freh zheh-neh-roh
Meaning: Overhead Costs or General Fees
In a Sentence:

  • Les frais généraux de l’entreprise sont élevés. (The company’s overhead costs are high.)
  • Ces frais généraux doivent être inclus dans le budget. (These general fees must be included in the budget.)

Other Ways to Say “Price” in French

Below is a list of additional ways to say “price” in French. Each term comes with its pronunciation, meaning, and example sentences for practical use.

Other Ways to SayPronunciationMeaningExample Sentences
Frais fixesfreh feeksFixed chargesLes frais fixes incluent les services de base. (The fixed charges include basic services.)
Coût totalkoo toh-tahlTotal costLe coût total du projet est assez élevé. (The total cost of the project is quite high.)
Prix affichépree ah-fee-shayDisplayed priceLe prix affiché ne comprend pas la TVA. (The displayed price doesn’t include VAT.)
Réduction spécialeray-dook-syohn speh-syellSpecial discountUne réduction spéciale est offerte ce week-end. (A special discount is offered this weekend.)
Budget prévuboo-jay pray-vooPlanned budgetMon budget prévu est suffisant pour cet achat. (My planned budget is enough for this purchase.)
Valeur marchandevah-luhr mar-shahndMarket valueLa valeur marchande de cette maison a augmenté. (The market value of this house has increased.)
Offre limitéeoffr lee-mee-tayLimited offerProfitez de cette offre limitée avant qu’elle ne disparaisse! (Take advantage of this limited offer before it’s gone!)
Prix moyenpree mwah-yenAverage priceLe prix moyen d’un repas ici est de 20 euros. (The average price of a meal here is 20 euros.)
Prix de revientpree duh ruh-vee-yahnProduction costLe prix de revient de cet article est très bas. (The production cost of this item is very low.)
Estimationes-tee-mah-syohnEstimate or ApproximationPouvez-vous me donner une estimation du coût? (Can you give me a cost estimate?)
Charges additionnellessharj ah-dee-syoh-nellAdditional feesLes charges additionnelles pour les bagages sont élevées. (The additional fees for luggage are high.)
Prix réduitpree ray-dweeReduced priceCe produit est vendu à prix réduit. (This product is sold at a reduced price.)
Offre exceptionnelleoffr ek-sep-syoh-nellExceptional offerC’est une offre exceptionnelle à ne pas manquer! (This is an exceptional offer not to miss!)
Frais de livraisonfreh duh lee-vray-zohnDelivery feesLes frais de livraison sont inclus dans le total. (The delivery fees are included in the total.)

Responses to “Price” in French

When discussing the price of something in French, knowing how to respond politely or ask for clarification is important. These responses will help you handle different situations, such as confirming costs, showing surprise, or asking for discounts. Below are useful responses with their meanings and examples.

1. Ça me semble raisonnable.

Pronunciation: sah muh sohm-bluh ray-zoh-nah-bluh
Meaning: That seems reasonable.
In a Sentence:

  • Le prix de ce produit est de 25 euros. Ça me semble raisonnable. (The price of this product is 25 euros. That seems reasonable.)

2. C’est trop cher.

Pronunciation: say troh sher
Meaning: That’s too expensive.
In a Sentence:

  • 50 euros pour ce repas? C’est trop cher. (50 euros for this meal? That’s too expensive.)

3. Est-ce que vous pouvez baisser le prix?

Pronunciation: ess kuh voo poo-vay beh-say luh pree
Meaning: Can you lower the price?
In a Sentence:

  • Ce produit coûte 30 euros. Est-ce que vous pouvez baisser le prix? (This product costs 30 euros. Can you lower the price?)

4. Est-ce que le prix est négociable?

Pronunciation: ess kuh luh pree eh nay-goh-syah-bluh
Meaning: Is the price negotiable?
In a Sentence:

  • Ce tableau coûte 200 euros. Est-ce que le prix est négociable? (This painting costs 200 euros. Is the price negotiable?)

5. Je vais réfléchir.

Pronunciation: juh vay ray-flay-sheer
Meaning: I’ll think about it.
In a Sentence:

  • Ce téléphone coûte 500 euros. Je vais réfléchir. (This phone costs 500 euros. I’ll think about it.)

6. C’est une bonne affaire.

Pronunciation: say t’oon bon ah-fehr
Meaning: That’s a good deal.
In a Sentence:

  • Ce sac est à moitié prix? C’est une bonne affaire! (This bag is half price? That’s a good deal!)

7. Ce n’est pas dans mon budget.

Pronunciation: suh neh pah dahn moh boo-jay
Meaning: It’s not in my budget.
In a Sentence:

  • Je veux cette voiture, mais ce n’est pas dans mon budget. (I want this car, but it’s not in my budget.)

8. Pouvez-vous me donner un reçu?

Pronunciation: poo-vay voo muh doh-nay uhn ruh-soo
Meaning: Can you give me a receipt?
In a Sentence:

  • Après avoir payé, Pouvez-vous me donner un reçu? (After paying, can you give me a receipt?)

9. Ce prix inclut-il les taxes?

Pronunciation: suh pree ahn-klu-teel lay tahks
Meaning: Does this price include taxes?
In a Sentence:

  • Ce prix est de 50 euros. Ce prix inclut-il les taxes? (This price is 50 euros. Does this price include taxes?)

10. Y a-t-il une garantie avec ce prix?

Pronunciation: yah-teel uhn gah-rahnt-tee ah-vek suh pree
Meaning: Is there a warranty with this price?
In a Sentence:

  • Pour cet appareil, y a-t-il une garantie avec ce prix? (For this device, is there a warranty with this price?)

11. C’est un peu cher pour moi.

Pronunciation: say uhn puh sher poor mwah
Meaning: It’s a bit expensive for me.
In a Sentence:

  • Ce manteau coûte 300 euros? C’est un peu cher pour moi. (This coat costs 300 euros? It’s a bit expensive for me.)

12. Pouvez-vous expliquer ce prix?

Pronunciation: poo-vay voo eks-plee-kay suh pree
Meaning: Can you explain this price?
In a Sentence:

  • J’ai vu un prix différent hier. Pouvez-vous expliquer ce prix? (I saw a different price yesterday. Can you explain this price?)

13. Ce prix inclut-il tout?

Pronunciation: suh pree ahn-klu-teel too
Meaning: Does this price include everything?
In a Sentence:

  • Pour le voyage, ce prix inclut-il tout? (For the trip, does this price include everything?)

14. Y a-t-il des réductions pour les étudiants?

Pronunciation: yah-teel day ray-dook-syohn poor lay eh-stu-dyah
Meaning: Are there discounts for students?
In a Sentence:

  • Pour les billets de cinéma, y a-t-il des réductions pour les étudiants? (For movie tickets, are there discounts for students?)

15. Ce prix me convient.

Pronunciation: suh pree muh kon-v’yen
Meaning: This price works for me.
In a Sentence:

  • Je prends cet appartement. Ce prix me convient. (I’ll take this apartment. This price works for me.)

16. Est-ce que vous acceptez les paiements en plusieurs fois?

Pronunciation: ess kuh voo ak-sep-tay lay pay-mohn ahn plu-zyuh fwa
Meaning: Do you accept payments in installments?
In a Sentence:

  • Ce canapé est cher. Est-ce que vous acceptez les paiements en plusieurs fois? (This couch is expensive. Do you accept payments in installments?)

17. Est-ce que le prix a changé?

Pronunciation: ess kuh luh pree ah shahn-zhay
Meaning: Has the price changed?
In a Sentence:

  • Hier, le prix était plus bas. Est-ce que le prix a changé? (Yesterday, the price was lower. Has the price changed?)

18. Est-ce que je peux avoir une facture?

Pronunciation: ess kuh juh puh ah-vwahr uhn fak-tur
Meaning: Can I get an invoice?
In a Sentence:

  • Après l’achat, est-ce que je peux avoir une facture? (After the purchase, can I get an invoice?)

19. Pouvez-vous offrir un meilleur prix?

Pronunciation: poo-vay voo oh-freer uhn meh-yeur pree
Meaning: Can you offer a better price?
In a Sentence:

  • Ce produit est cher. Pouvez-vous offrir un meilleur prix? (This product is expensive. Can you offer a better price?)

20. Est-ce le meilleur prix que vous pouvez faire?

Pronunciation: ess luh meh-yeur pree kuh voo poo-vay fehr
Meaning: Is this the best price you can give?
In a Sentence:

  • Pour cette voiture, est-ce le meilleur prix que vous pouvez faire? (For this car, is this the best price you can give?)

Exercise to Practice “Price” in French

Here are 12 fill-in-the-blank exercises to practice how to use “price” and its related phrases in French. The answers and their meanings are provided below.


  1. Quel est le ______ de cette robe?
  2. Est-ce que ce ______ inclut les taxes?
  3. Pouvez-vous m’expliquer pourquoi le ______ est si élevé?
  4. Je trouve que ce ______ est une bonne affaire!
  5. Y a-t-il des ______ pour les étudiants?
  6. Le ______ total de la commande est de 75 euros.
  7. Pour cette réparation, est-ce que le ______ est négociable?
  8. Cette boutique propose des produits à ______ réduit.
  9. Le ______ de cet objet ancien est difficile à estimer.
  10. Avez-vous reçu une ______ après avoir payé?
  11. Cette offre spéciale est une véritable ______!
  12. Les ______ supplémentaires pour ce service sont trop élevées.

Answers with Meaning:

  1. prix (What is the price of this dress?)
  2. prix (Does this price include taxes?)
  3. prix (Can you explain why the price is so high?)
  4. prix (I think this price is a good deal!)
  5. réductions (Are there discounts for students?)
  6. montant (The total amount of the order is 75 euros.)
  7. prix (For this repair, is the price negotiable?)
  8. prix (This shop offers products at a reduced price.)
  9. valeur (The value of this antique item is hard to estimate.)
  10. facture (Did you receive an invoice after paying?)
  11. aubaine (This special offer is a real bargain!)
  12. frais (The additional charges for this service are too high.)


Learning how to say “price” in French and using related expressions is an essential skill for everyday conversations, especially when shopping, dining, or negotiating costs. With terms like prix, montant, and réduction, you can express yourself clearly and understand others better.

By practicing these words and responses, you’ll feel more confident discussing prices in various situations. Whether asking about a discount or confirming a total, these phrases will help you navigate interactions smoothly. Keep practicing, and soon, discussing “price” in French will become natural and effortless!

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