Learning new words in a foreign language is exciting. If you’re studying French, knowing how to say common words like “or” is helpful. “Or” is used in everyday conversations to connect ideas or offer choices. Understanding how to use this word correctly can make your sentences clearer and more natural.
In this article, we will explain how to say “or” in French, share different ways to use it, and provide example sentences. By the end, you’ll know how to use “or” confidently in various situations. Let’s get started!
Ways to Say “Or” in French
In French, “or” is a common word used to connect phrases or indicate choices. Its meaning can change slightly depending on the context. Below are different ways to say “or” in French, along with their meanings and example sentences.
1. Ou
Pronunciation: oo
Meaning: Or (used to give options)
In a Sentence:
- Tu veux du thé ou du café? (Do you want tea or coffee?)
- Nous irons au parc ou à la plage. (We will go to the park or the beach.)
2. Ou bien
Pronunciation: oo byehn
Meaning: Or else, or perhaps
In a Sentence:
- Dépêche-toi, ou bien nous serons en retard. (Hurry up, or else we will be late.)
- Appelle-moi ce soir ou bien envoie un message. (Call me tonight or send a message instead.)
3. Sinon
Pronunciation: see-nohng
Meaning: Otherwise
In a Sentence:
- Tu dois étudier, sinon tu échoueras. (You must study, otherwise you will fail.)
- Mets ton manteau, sinon tu vas avoir froid. (Put on your coat, otherwise you’ll be cold.)
4. Autrement
Pronunciation: oh-truh-mahng
Meaning: Alternatively, otherwise
In a Sentence:
- Nous pouvons cuisiner maintenant, autrement, nous mangerons tard. (We can cook now, otherwise we’ll eat late.)
- Il doit travailler dur; autrement, il perdra son emploi. (He must work hard; otherwise, he will lose his job.)
5. Encore
Pronunciation: ahn-kor
Meaning: Yet, still (in specific contexts)
In a Sentence:
- Il est intelligent, encore, il fait des erreurs. (He is smart, yet he makes mistakes.)
- C’est difficile, encore je vais essayer. (It’s difficult, yet I will try.)
6. Cependant
Pronunciation: suh-pahn-dahng
Meaning: However, yet
In a Sentence:
- Il pleut, cependant nous sortirons. (It’s raining; however, we will go out.)
- Elle était fatiguée, cependant elle a continué à travailler. (She was tired, yet she continued to work.)
7. Toutefois
Pronunciation: too-t-fwah
Meaning: However, nonetheless
In a Sentence:
- Il a perdu le match, toutefois il a bien joué. (He lost the game; however, he played well.)
- Le voyage est long, toutefois il en vaut la peine. (The trip is long, but it’s worth it.)
8. Néanmoins
Pronunciation: nay-ahng-mwahng
Meaning: Nevertheless
In a Sentence:
- Il a échoué, néanmoins il a persévéré. (He failed, nevertheless he persisted.)
- Le chemin est difficile, néanmoins nous y arriverons. (The path is tough, but we’ll get there.)
9. Mais
Pronunciation: meh
Meaning: But
In a Sentence:
- Je veux sortir, mais il pleut. (I want to go out, but it’s raining.)
- Il est gentil, mais parfois impatient. (He is kind, but sometimes impatient.)
10. Toutefois que
Pronunciation: too-t-fwah kuh
Meaning: Even though
In a Sentence:
- Toutefois que tu sois prêt, nous partirons. (Even though you are ready, we will leave.)
- Je viendrai toutefois que je sois occupé. (I will come even though I am busy.)
11. Mais encore
Pronunciation: meh ahn-kor
Meaning: But still, what’s more
In a Sentence:
- Il est riche, mais encore il reste humble. (He is rich, but still, he remains humble.)
- C’est difficile, mais encore faisable. (It’s difficult, but still doable.)
12. Malgré cela
Pronunciation: mahl-grey suh-lah
Meaning: Despite that
In a Sentence:
- Il pleut; malgré cela, ils sont partis. (It’s raining; despite that, they left.)
- Elle était malade, malgré cela, elle est venue. (She was sick, but still, she came.)
13. Soit… soit
Pronunciation: swah… swah
Meaning: Either… or
In a Sentence:
- Tu peux manger soit des pâtes, soit du riz. (You can eat either pasta or rice.)
- Ils iront soit à Paris, soit à Londres. (They will go either to Paris or to London.)
14. Ou encore
Pronunciation: oo ahn-kor
Meaning: Or even, or still
In a Sentence:
- Prends un café ou encore un thé. (Have a coffee or even a tea.)
- Tu peux partir maintenant ou encore attendre un peu. (You can leave now or wait a bit longer.)
15. Ou sinon
Pronunciation: oo see-nohng
Meaning: Or else
In a Sentence:
- Dépêche-toi, ou sinon nous allons manquer le train. (Hurry up, or else we’ll miss the train.)
- Fais-le maintenant, ou sinon tu auras des ennuis. (Do it now, or else you’ll be in trouble.)
16. Quoi qu’il en soit
Pronunciation: kwah keel ahng swah
Meaning: Be that as it may
In a Sentence:
- Quoi qu’il en soit, nous devons partir. (Be that as it may, we must leave.)
- Quoi qu’il en soit, il faudra résoudre ce problème. (Be that as it may, this problem must be solved.)
17. Pourtant
Pronunciation: poor-tahng
Meaning: Yet, however
In a Sentence:
- Il était fatigué, pourtant il a continué. (He was tired, yet he kept going.)
- Elle a étudié, pourtant elle a échoué. (She studied, yet she failed.)
18. Même si
Pronunciation: mehm see
Meaning: Even if
In a Sentence:
- Je viendrai même si je suis occupé. (I will come even if I am busy.)
- Même si tu es fatigué, tu dois terminer. (Even if you’re tired, you must finish.)
19. Bien que
Pronunciation: byehn kuh
Meaning: Although, even though
In a Sentence:
- Bien qu’il soit tard, ils sont restés. (Although it was late, they stayed.)
- Bien qu’elle soit jeune, elle est très intelligente. (Although she is young, she is very smart.)
20. Malgré que
Pronunciation: mahl-grey kuh
Meaning: Despite the fact that
In a Sentence:
- Malgré qu’il soit malade, il est allé travailler. (Despite being sick, he went to work.)
- Ils sont partis malgré que le temps soit mauvais. (They left despite the bad weather.)
21. Toutefois encore
Pronunciation: too-t-fwah ahn-kor
Meaning: However still
In a Sentence:
- Il est en retard, toutefois encore, il pourrait arriver bientôt. (He is late; however still, he might arrive soon.)
- Elle a échoué, toutefois encore, elle continue d’essayer. (She failed, however still, she keeps trying.)
22. En revanche
Pronunciation: ahn ruh-vahngsh
Meaning: On the other hand
In a Sentence:
- Il travaille dur; en revanche, il gagne bien sa vie. (He works hard; on the other hand, he earns a good living.)
- Elle est stricte; en revanche, elle est juste. (She is strict, but on the other hand, she is fair.)
23. D’autre part
Pronunciation: doh-truh pahr
Meaning: On the other hand, alternatively
In a Sentence:
- Je pourrais partir tôt; d’autre part, je pourrais attendre. (I could leave early, or on the other hand, I could wait.)
- D’autre part, il est possible qu’il ne vienne pas. (On the other hand, he might not come.)
24. En tout cas
Pronunciation: ahn too kah
Meaning: In any case
In a Sentence:
- En tout cas, il faut partir bientôt. (In any case, we must leave soon.)
- Je ne sais pas encore; en tout cas, je t’appellerai demain. (I’m not sure yet; in any case, I’ll call you tomorrow.)
25. Or
Pronunciation: ohr
Meaning: Yet, however (formal)
In a Sentence:
- Il semblait heureux; or, il était triste. (He seemed happy; yet, he was sad.)
- Or, il est déjà trop tard pour changer d’avis. (Yet, it is already too late to change one’s mind.)
26. Nonobstant
Pronunciation: noh-nohb-stahng
Meaning: Notwithstanding
In a Sentence:
- Nonobstant ses efforts, il a échoué. (Notwithstanding his efforts, he failed.)
- Nonobstant la pluie, nous avons joué au football. (Despite the rain, we played football.)
27. En dépit de
Pronunciation: ahn day-pee duh
Meaning: In spite of
In a Sentence:
- En dépit de son âge, il est encore très actif. (In spite of his age, he is still very active.)
- Ils sont sortis en dépit de la tempête. (They went out in spite of the storm.)
28. Si ce n’est que
Pronunciation: see suh neh kuh
Meaning: Except that
In a Sentence:
- Tout est prêt, si ce n’est que le gâteau n’est pas encore cuit. (Everything is ready, except that the cake is not baked yet.)
- Si ce n’est que nous sommes en retard, tout va bien. (Except that we are late, everything is fine.)
29. Quoique
Pronunciation: kwah-kuh
Meaning: Though, although
In a Sentence:
- Quoique fatigué, il a terminé son travail. (Though tired, he finished his work.)
- Quoique difficile, le projet a été un succès. (Although difficult, the project was a success.)
30. Hormis
Pronunciation: or-mee
Meaning: Except for
In a Sentence:
- Hormis cette erreur, tout est correct. (Except for this mistake, everything is correct.)
- Tout le monde est venu, hormis Paul. (Everyone came except for Paul.)
Other Ways to Say “Or” in French
Here is a table of additional ways to say “or” in French, with pronunciation, meaning, and example sentences:
Other Ways to Say | Pronunciation | Meaning | Example Sentences |
Bien au contraire | byehn oh kon-trair | Quite the opposite | Bien au contraire, il est très gentil. (Quite the opposite, he is very kind.) |
De même | duh mehm | Likewise, similarly | Nous avons gagné, de même que l’année dernière. (We won, just like last year.) |
Par contre | pahr kon-truh | On the other hand | J’aime le chocolat; par contre, je déteste la vanille. (I like chocolate; on the other hand, I hate vanilla.) |
Cependant que | suh-pahn-dahng kuh | While, even though | Cependant que tu parles, il écoute. (While you speak, he listens.) |
Du reste | dew rest | Besides, moreover | Du reste, il n’a jamais répondu. (Besides, he never replied.) |
Quoique ce soit | kwah-kuh suh swah | Whatever it may be | Quoique ce soit, je suis prêt. (Whatever it may be, I am ready.) |
Au cas où | oh kah oo | In case | Prends un parapluie au cas où il pleut. (Take an umbrella in case it rains.) |
Voire même | vwar mehm | Even, or even more | Il est intelligent, voire même un génie. (He is smart, even a genius.) |
À moins que | ah mwahng kuh | Unless | Je partirai, à moins qu’il ne vienne. (I will leave unless he comes.) |
Hormis que | or-mee kuh | Except that | Hormis qu’il est fatigué, tout va bien. (Except that he is tired, everything is fine.) |
Sauf si | soff see | Unless | Je viendrai sauf si je suis malade. (I will come unless I am sick.) |
Tant que | tahng kuh | As long as | Tu peux rester tant que tu veux. (You can stay as long as you want.) |
Même que | mehm kuh | Even though | Même que je sois fatigué, je viendrai. (Even though I am tired, I will come.) |
Si jamais | see jah-meh | If ever | Si jamais tu veux parler, appelle-moi. (If ever you want to talk, call me.) |
Responses to “Or” in French
When someone uses “or” in a French conversation, the response will depend on the context. You might agree, disagree, clarify, or offer another option. Here are some common responses to phrases involving “or” in French.
1. Oui, ça marche
Pronunciation: wee, sah marsh
Meaning: Yes, that works.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: On va au cinéma ou au parc? (Are we going to the cinema or the park?)
- Person 2: Oui, ça marche. (Yes, that works.)
2. Comme tu veux
Pronunciation: kohm tew vuh
Meaning: As you wish.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: On mange des pâtes ou du riz? (Should we eat pasta or rice?)
- Person 2: Comme tu veux. (As you wish.)
3. Peu importe
Pronunciation: puh ahn-port
Meaning: It doesn’t matter.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: On part demain ou après-demain? (Are we leaving tomorrow or the day after?)
- Person 2: Peu importe. (It doesn’t matter.)
4. D’accord
Pronunciation: dah-kohr
Meaning: Okay, agreed.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: On se voit à 15h ou 16h? (Shall we meet at 3 PM or 4 PM?)
- Person 2: D’accord. (Okay.)
5. Pourquoi pas?
Pronunciation: poor-kwah pah
Meaning: Why not?
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: On pourrait aller au musée ou au zoo. (We could go to the museum or the zoo.)
- Person 2: Pourquoi pas? (Why not?)
6. Pas vraiment
Pronunciation: pah vray-mahng
Meaning: Not really.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Tu veux du chocolat ou de la glace? (Do you want chocolate or ice cream?)
- Person 2: Pas vraiment. (Not really.)
7. C’est pareil
Pronunciation: say pah-ray
Meaning: It’s the same.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: On va en voiture ou en bus? (Shall we go by car or bus?)
- Person 2: C’est pareil. (It’s the same.)
8. Ni l’un ni l’autre
Pronunciation: nee luhng nee loh-truh
Meaning: Neither one nor the other.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Tu préfères le café ou le thé? (Do you prefer coffee or tea?)
- Person 2: Ni l’un ni l’autre. (Neither one nor the other.)
9. Pourquoi pas les deux?
Pronunciation: poor-kwah pah lay duh
Meaning: Why not both?
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Tu veux rester à la maison ou sortir? (Do you want to stay home or go out?)
- Person 2: Pourquoi pas les deux? (Why not both?)
10. Ça dépend
Pronunciation: sah day-pahng
Meaning: It depends.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: On y va aujourd’hui ou demain? (Are we going today or tomorrow?)
- Person 2: Ça dépend. (It depends.)
11. À toi de voir
Pronunciation: ah twah duh vwar
Meaning: It’s up to you.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: On regarde un film ou une série? (Shall we watch a movie or a series?)
- Person 2: À toi de voir. (It’s up to you.)
12. Comme tu préfères
Pronunciation: kohm tew preh-fehr
Meaning: As you prefer.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: On dîne tôt ou tard? (Shall we have dinner early or late?)
- Person 2: Comme tu préfères. (As you prefer.)
13. C’est égal
Pronunciation: say tay-gahl
Meaning: It’s all the same.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: On part lundi ou mardi? (Shall we leave Monday or Tuesday?)
- Person 2: C’est égal. (It’s all the same.)
14. Je ne sais pas
Pronunciation: juh nuh say pah
Meaning: I don’t know.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Tu préfères le rouge ou le bleu? (Do you prefer red or blue?)
- Person 2: Je ne sais pas. (I don’t know.)
15. Peut-être
Pronunciation: puh-teh-truh
Meaning: Maybe.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: On se voit ce soir ou demain matin? (Shall we meet tonight or tomorrow morning?)
- Person 2: Peut-être. (Maybe.)
16. Pourquoi choisir?
Pronunciation: poor-kwah shwah-zeer
Meaning: Why choose?
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Tu veux du gâteau ou de la glace? (Do you want cake or ice cream?)
- Person 2: Pourquoi choisir? (Why choose?)
17. À voir
Pronunciation: ah vwar
Meaning: We’ll see.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: On part en vacances à la mer ou à la montagne? (Are we going to the sea or the mountains for vacation?)
- Person 2: À voir. (We’ll see.)
Exercise to Practice Saying “Or” in French
Complete the sentences below by filling in the blanks with the correct phrase for “or” in French. Use the words from the previous sections.
Fill-in-the-Blanks (French Sentences)
- Tu préfères le jus d’orange ______ le lait au petit-déjeuner?
- On peut partir à 8h ______ à 9h, qu’en penses-tu?
- Veux-tu du pain ______ du fromage avec la soupe?
- Nous irons au cinéma ______ nous resterons à la maison.
- Dépêche-toi ______ tu vas manquer le bus!
- Veux-tu parler à ton ami maintenant ______ attendre plus tard?
- Je prendrai un café ______ un thé, selon ce que vous avez.
- Préfères-tu lire un livre ______ regarder un film ce soir?
- Apportez votre parapluie ______ il pourrait pleuvoir cet après-midi.
- Faut-il étudier pour l’examen ce soir ______ demain matin?
- Je vais préparer un gâteau ______ des biscuits pour la fête.
- Tu veux aller à la plage ______ à la montagne pendant les vacances?
- Tu préfères le jus d’orange ou le lait au petit-déjeuner? (Do you prefer orange juice or milk for breakfast?)
- On peut partir à 8h ou à 9h, qu’en penses-tu? (We can leave at 8 or 9, what do you think?)
- Veux-tu du pain ou du fromage avec la soupe? (Do you want bread or cheese with the soup?)
- Nous irons au cinéma ou nous resterons à la maison. (We will go to the movies or stay home.)
- Dépêche-toi ou sinon tu vas manquer le bus! (Hurry up or else you will miss the bus!)
- Veux-tu parler à ton ami maintenant ou bien attendre plus tard? (Do you want to talk to your friend now or wait until later?)
- Je prendrai un café ou bien un thé, selon ce que vous avez. (I will have a coffee or tea, depending on what you have.)
- Préfères-tu lire un livre ou regarder un film ce soir? (Do you prefer reading a book or watching a movie tonight?)
- Apportez votre parapluie au cas où il pourrait pleuvoir cet après-midi. (Bring your umbrella in case it might rain this afternoon.)
- Faut-il étudier pour l’examen ce soir ou demain matin? (Should we study for the exam tonight or tomorrow morning?)
- Je vais préparer un gâteau ou encore des biscuits pour la fête. (I will bake a cake or even cookies for the party.)
- Tu veux aller à la plage ou à la montagne pendant les vacances? (Do you want to go to the beach or the mountains for vacation?)
Learning how to say “or” in French is essential for daily conversations. This small but powerful word helps connect ideas, offer choices, and clarify meanings. By understanding different ways to say “or” and how to respond naturally, you can improve your speaking and comprehension skills in French.
Keep practicing with the phrases, responses, and exercises provided. The more you use these words, the easier it will become to communicate clearly and confidently in French. With time, using “or” in French will feel as natural as it does in English. Bonne chance! (Good luck!)