How To Say I In French

Learning French can be fun and helpful, especially when you start with simple words. One of the most important words to know is “I.” This word is used every day in conversations to talk about yourself. In French, saying “I” is easy once you learn the right word.

In this article, you will discover how to say “I” in French. We will also explore other ways to use it, common responses, and fun exercises to practice. By the end, you will feel ready to use “I” in your French conversations with confidence.

Ways to Say “I” in French

In French, the word “I” is commonly expressed with the pronoun “je.” However, depending on the context, there are different ways to express “I” in French. These pronouns help talk about yourself in various situations, whether formal or informal. Let’s explore these ways with examples.

1. Je (zhuh)

Meaning: The standard word for “I” in French.
In a Sentence:

  • Je suis étudiant. (I am a student.)
  • Je parle français. (I speak French.)

2. Moi (mwa)

Meaning: Used for emphasis or after prepositions.
In a Sentence:

  • Moi, je veux un dessert. (Me, I want a dessert.)
  • C’est pour moi. (It’s for me.)

3. J’ (zh)

Meaning: A shortened form of “je” used before vowels.
In a Sentence:

  • J’aime les chiens. (I like dogs.)
  • J’habite à Paris. (I live in Paris.)

4. M’ (m)

Meaning: Used before verbs in certain phrases.
In a Sentence:

  • M’entends-tu? (Do you hear me?)
  • M’appelle-t-il? (Is he calling me?)

5. Moi-même (mwa-mem)

Meaning: Myself, for emphasis or clarity.
In a Sentence:

  • Je l’ai fait moi-même. (I did it myself.)
  • Moi-même, je suis surpris. (I myself am surprised.)

6. Je suis (zhuh swee)

Meaning: I am (introducing yourself).
In a Sentence:

  • Je suis professeur. (I am a teacher.)
  • Je suis fatigué. (I am tired.)

7. Je vais (zhuh vay)

Meaning: I go or I am going.
In a Sentence:

  • Je vais à l’école. (I am going to school.)
  • Je vais bien, merci. (I am fine, thank you.)

8. J’ai (zhay)

Meaning: I have (to show possession).
In a Sentence:

  • J’ai un chat. (I have a cat.)
  • J’ai faim. (I am hungry.)

9. Je peux (zhuh puh)

Meaning: I can or I am able to.
In a Sentence:

  • Je peux aider. (I can help.)
  • Je peux parler anglais. (I can speak English.)

10. Je veux (zhuh vuh)

Meaning: I want.
In a Sentence:

  • Je veux un sandwich. (I want a sandwich.)
  • Je veux apprendre le français. (I want to learn French.)

11. Je pense (zhuh pahns)

Meaning: I think.
In a Sentence:

  • Je pense que c’est intéressant. (I think it’s interesting.)
  • Je pense à toi. (I’m thinking of you.)

12. Je crois (zhuh krwah)

Meaning: I believe.
In a Sentence:

  • Je crois en toi. (I believe in you.)
  • Je crois que c’est vrai. (I believe it’s true.)

13. Je fais (zhuh feh)

Meaning: I do or I make.
In a Sentence:

  • Je fais mes devoirs. (I am doing my homework.)
  • Je fais un gâteau. (I am making a cake.)

14. Je dis (zhuh dee)

Meaning: I say or I tell.
In a Sentence:

  • Je dis la vérité. (I tell the truth.)
  • Je dis bonjour à tout le monde. (I say hello to everyone.)

15. Je prends (zhuh prahn)

Meaning: I take.
In a Sentence:

  • Je prends le bus. (I take the bus.)
  • Je prends mon temps. (I take my time.)

16. Je comprends (zhuh kom-prahn)

Meaning: I understand.
In a Sentence:

  • Je comprends la leçon. (I understand the lesson.)
  • Je comprends maintenant. (I understand now.)

17. Je deviens (zhuh duh-vyen)

Meaning: I become.
In a Sentence:

  • Je deviens meilleur chaque jour. (I become better every day.)
  • Je deviens fatigué. (I am getting tired.)

18. Je vais être (zhuh vay etr)

Meaning: I am going to be.
In a Sentence:

  • Je vais être en retard. (I’m going to be late.)
  • Je vais être prêt bientôt. (I’m going to be ready soon.)

19. Je dois (zhuh dwah)

Meaning: I must or I have to.
In a Sentence:

  • Je dois partir maintenant. (I must leave now.)
  • Je dois faire mes devoirs. (I have to do my homework.)

20. Je préfère (zhuh pray-fehr)

Meaning: I prefer.
In a Sentence:

  • Je préfère le chocolat. (I prefer chocolate.)
  • Je préfère marcher. (I prefer walking.)

21. Je rêve (zhuh rev)

Meaning: I dream.
In a Sentence:

  • Je rêve de voyager. (I dream of traveling.)
  • Je rêve d’un avenir meilleur. (I dream of a better future.)

22. Je me souviens (zhuh muh soo-vyen)

Meaning: I remember.
In a Sentence:

  • Je me souviens de ce jour. (I remember that day.)
  • Je me souviens de toi. (I remember you.)

23. Je tiens (zhuh t’yen)

Meaning: I hold or I care about.
In a Sentence:

  • Je tiens à ma famille. (I care about my family.)
  • Je tiens le sac. (I am holding the bag.)

24. Je joue (zhuh zhoo)

Meaning: I play.
In a Sentence:

  • Je joue au tennis. (I play tennis.)
  • Je joue de la guitare. (I play the guitar.)

25. Je vis (zhuh vee)

Meaning: I live.
In a Sentence:

  • Je vis à New York. (I live in New York.)
  • Je vis pour apprendre. (I live to learn.)

Other Ways to Say “I” in French

Below is a table showing alternative ways to say “I” in French, with pronunciation, meanings, and example sentences.

Other Ways to SayPronunciationMeaningExample Sentences
Moi aussimwa oh-seeMe tooMoi aussi, j’aime le chocolat. (Me too, I like chocolate.)
Mon propre moimohn proh-pr mwaMy true selfJe découvre mon propre moi. (I am discovering my true self.)
Ma personnemah pair-sonMyself (poetic use)Je dois rester fidèle à ma personne. (I must stay true to myself.)
Mon âmemohn ahmMy soulMon âme est heureuse aujourd’hui. (My soul is happy today.)
Ma figuremah fee-gyrMyself (rare/figurative)C’est ma figure que je dois sauver. (It’s myself I must save.)
Moi-mêmemwa-memMyselfJ’ai préparé le dîner moi-même. (I cooked dinner myself.)
J’existezhegz-eestI existJ’existe dans ce monde. (I exist in this world.)
Mon êtremohn etrMy beingMon être est en paix. (My being is at peace.)
Je suis làzhuh swee lahI am hereJe suis là pour t’aider. (I am here to help you.)
Je me trouvezhuh muh troovI find myselfJe me trouve dans une nouvelle ville. (I find myself in a new city.)
Je viszhuh veeI liveJe vis à Boston. (I live in Boston.)
Je ressenszhuh ruh-sahnI feelJe ressens de la joie. (I feel joy.)
Je rêvezhuh revI dreamJe rêve de voyager en Europe. (I dream of traveling to Europe.)
Je me considèrezhuh muh kon-see-dairI consider myselfJe me considère chanceux. (I consider myself lucky.)
Moi uniquementmwa u-nee-kmahnJust meC’est moi uniquement qui décide. (It’s just me who decides.)
Mon identitémohn ee-don-tayMy identityMon identité est importante. (My identity is important.)
Mon caractèremohn kah-rahk-tairMy characterMon caractère est unique. (My character is unique.)
Mon espritmohn es-preeMy spiritMon esprit est calme aujourd’hui. (My spirit is calm today.)
Je tiens à moizhuh t’yen ah mwaI care about myselfJe tiens à moi et à ma santé. (I care about myself and my health.)
Je m’appartienszhuh mah-par-tee-enI belong to myselfJe m’appartiens complètement. (I completely belong to myself.)
Moi en personnemwa on pair-sonMe in personC’est moi en personne qui est venu. (It’s me in person who came.)
Moi, tout simplementmwa too sahm-ple-mahnJust me simplyMoi, tout simplement, je veux du calme. (Just me simply, I want peace.)
Mon véritable moimohn vair-ee-tah-bluh mwaMy true selfJe découvre mon véritable moi. (I’m discovering my true self.)
Mon être intérieurmohn etr ahn-teh-ree-urMy inner beingMon être intérieur est fort. (My inner being is strong.)
Moi en entiermwa ahn ahn-tyayMy whole selfJe veux être moi en entier. (I want to be my whole self.)

Responses to “I” in French

In conversations, responding to statements involving “I” in French helps keep the dialogue flowing naturally. Here are common responses with examples to help you understand how to reply politely or casually.

1. Moi aussi (mwa oh-see)

Meaning: Me too.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Je suis fatigué. (I am tired.)
  • Person 2: Moi aussi. (Me too.)

2. Pas moi (pah mwa)

Meaning: Not me.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Je vais à la plage. (I’m going to the beach.)
  • Person 2: Pas moi. (Not me.)

3. Moi non plus (mwa nohn ploo)

Meaning: Me neither.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Je n’aime pas le froid. (I don’t like the cold.)
  • Person 2: Moi non plus. (Me neither.)

4. C’est vrai? (say vray)

Meaning: Is that true?
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Je parle trois langues. (I speak three languages.)
  • Person 2: C’est vrai? (Is that true?)

5. Vraiment? (vray-mahn)

Meaning: Really?
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Je pars demain. (I’m leaving tomorrow.)
  • Person 2: Vraiment? (Really?)

6. Ah bon? (ah bohn)

Meaning: Oh, really?
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Je travaille le week-end. (I work on weekends.)
  • Person 2: Ah bon? (Oh, really?)

7. Moi pareil (mwa pah-ray)

Meaning: Same here.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Je suis heureux aujourd’hui. (I am happy today.)
  • Person 2: Moi pareil. (Same here.)

8. Félicitations! (feh-lee-see-ta-syon)

Meaning: Congratulations!
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: J’ai réussi mon examen. (I passed my exam.)
  • Person 2: Félicitations! (Congratulations!)

9. Bonne chance! (bun shahnss)

Meaning: Good luck!
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Je passe un entretien demain. (I have an interview tomorrow.)
  • Person 2: Bonne chance! (Good luck!)

10. C’est cool! (say kool)

Meaning: That’s cool!
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Je vais visiter Paris cet été. (I’m visiting Paris this summer.)
  • Person 2: C’est cool! (That’s cool!)

11. C’est dommage. (say doh-mahzh)

Meaning: That’s too bad.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Je ne peux pas venir à la fête. (I can’t come to the party.)
  • Person 2: C’est dommage. (That’s too bad.)

12. Tant mieux! (tah myuh)

Meaning: Good for you!
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Je suis en vacances la semaine prochaine. (I’m on vacation next week.)
  • Person 2: Tant mieux! (Good for you!)

13. Tant pis! (tah pee)

Meaning: Too bad!
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: J’ai perdu mon portefeuille. (I lost my wallet.)
  • Person 2: Tant pis! (Too bad!)

14. Je comprends. (zhuh kom-prahn)

Meaning: I understand.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Je suis très occupé cette semaine. (I’m very busy this week.)
  • Person 2: Je comprends. (I understand.)

15. Pas de problème. (pah duh proh-blem)

Meaning: No problem.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Je vais arriver un peu en retard. (I’ll be a bit late.)
  • Person 2: Pas de problème. (No problem.)

Exercise to Practice Saying “I” in French

Below are 12 fill-in-the-blank exercises using the different ways to say “I” in French. Complete each sentence with the correct word or phrase. The meaning of each sentence is provided for better understanding.


  1. _________ suis content aujourd’hui. (I am happy today.)
  2. _________ veux un chocolat chaud. (I want a hot chocolate.)
  3. _________ vais à l’école chaque matin. (I go to school every morning.)
  4. _________ ai un chien mignon. (I have a cute dog.)
  5. _________ peux parler anglais et français. (I can speak English and French.)
  6. _________ comprends cette leçon de mathématiques. (I understand this math lesson.)
  7. _________ rêve de visiter Paris un jour. (I dream of visiting Paris one day.)
  8. _________ suis prêt(e) pour l’examen de science. (I am ready for the science test.)
  9. _________ me souviens de notre dernier voyage. (I remember our last trip.)
  10. _________ fais du sport le week-end. (I play sports on weekends.)
  11. _________ tiens à ma famille et à mes amis. (I care about my family and friends.)
  12. _________ vais être à l’heure pour le rendez-vous. (I am going to be on time for the appointment.)


  1. Je suis content aujourd’hui. (I am happy today.)
  2. Je veux un chocolat chaud. (I want a hot chocolate.)
  3. Je vais à l’école chaque matin. (I go to school every morning.)
  4. J’ ai un chien mignon. (I have a cute dog.)
  5. Je peux parler anglais et français. (I can speak English and French.)
  6. Je comprends cette leçon de mathématiques. (I understand this math lesson.)
  7. Je rêve de visiter Paris un jour. (I dream of visiting Paris one day.)
  8. Je suis prêt(e) pour l’examen de science. (I am ready for the science test.)
  9. Je me souviens de notre dernier voyage. (I remember our last trip.)
  10. Je fais du sport le week-end. (I play sports on weekends.)
  11. Je tiens à ma famille et à mes amis. (I care about my family and friends.)
  12. Je vais être à l’heure pour le rendez-vous. (I am going to be on time for the appointment.)


Learning how to say “I” in French is a key step in building everyday conversations. The pronoun “je” is simple yet powerful, helping you talk about yourself clearly. Whether you’re expressing your feelings, talking about your actions, or sharing your dreams, using “I” correctly makes speaking French easier and more natural.

Keep practicing with the examples and exercises in this article. The more you use these phrases, the more confident you’ll become. Soon, saying “I” in French will feel as effortless as saying it in English. Bonne chance! (Good luck!)

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