Learning how to say “dog” in French is useful and fun, especially if you love animals or plan to visit France. Knowing this word can help you talk about pets, describe animals you see, or chat with French-speaking friends.
In this article, you will learn how to say “dog” in French, including related phrases like “female dog,” “my dog,” and more. We will also cover different ways to use these expressions, how to respond when someone talks about dogs, and even practice with simple exercises. By the end, you’ll be ready to talk about dogs in French with ease.
Ways to Say “Dog” in French
In French, “dog” is a common word you’ll hear in conversations about pets and animals. Knowing how to say it helps you describe your furry friend or talk about animals in general. Below are different ways to say “dog” in French, including meanings, pronunciations, and example sentences.
1. Chien (shee-ehn)
Meaning: Male dog or generic term for dog
In a Sentence:
- J’ai un chien à la maison. (I have a dog at home.)
- Le chien joue dans le jardin. (The dog is playing in the yard.)
2. Chienne (shee-ehn)
Meaning: Female dog
In a Sentence:
- Ma chienne s’appelle Bella. (My female dog’s name is Bella.)
- La chienne adore les promenades. (The female dog loves walks.)
3. Mon chien (mohn shee-ehn)
Meaning: My dog
In a Sentence:
- Mon chien est très gentil. (My dog is very friendly.)
- Est-ce que tu veux voir mon chien? (Do you want to see my dog?)
4. Un chiot (uhn shee-oh)
Meaning: Puppy
In a Sentence:
- Ils ont adopté un chiot hier. (They adopted a puppy yesterday.)
- Le chiot est si mignon! (The puppy is so cute!)
5. Un toutou (uhn too-too)
Meaning: Dog (cute or informal term)
In a Sentence:
- Regarde ce toutou adorable! (Look at that adorable dog!)
- Mon toutou aime courir au parc. (My dog loves running at the park.)
6. C’est un chien (say uh shee-ehn)
Meaning: It’s a dog
In a Sentence:
- Qu’est-ce que c’est? C’est un chien. (What is that? It’s a dog.)
- Attention! C’est un chien de garde. (Be careful! It’s a guard dog.)
7. J’ai un chien (zhay uh shee-ehn)
Meaning: I have a dog
In a Sentence:
- J’ai un chien très intelligent. (I have a very smart dog.)
- J’ai un chien depuis trois ans. (I have had a dog for three years.)
8. Chien de garde (shee-ehn duh gahrd)
Meaning: Guard dog
In a Sentence:
- Ce chien de garde protège la maison. (This guard dog protects the house.)
- Le chien de garde aboie beaucoup. (The guard dog barks a lot.)
9. Chien errant (shee-ehn eh-rahnt)
Meaning: Stray dog
In a Sentence:
- Ils ont trouvé un chien errant dans le parc. (They found a stray dog in the park.)
- Le chien errant cherche de la nourriture. (The stray dog is looking for food.)
10. Chien de compagnie (shee-ehn duh kohm-pah-nyee)
Meaning: Companion dog/pet dog
In a Sentence:
- C’est un chien de compagnie parfait. (He’s a perfect companion dog.)
- Mon chien de compagnie me suit partout. (My pet dog follows me everywhere.)
11. Chien de chasse (shee-ehn duh shass)
Meaning: Hunting dog
In a Sentence:
- Le chien de chasse a trouvé le gibier. (The hunting dog found the game.)
- Mon oncle a un chien de chasse. (My uncle has a hunting dog.)
12. Chien de berger (shee-ehn duh behr-zheh)
Meaning: Shepherd dog
In a Sentence:
- Le chien de berger garde les moutons. (The shepherd dog guards the sheep.)
- Ils ont entraîné leur chien de berger. (They trained their shepherd dog.)
13. Chien de traîneau (shee-ehn duh tray-no)
Meaning: Sled dog
In a Sentence:
- Le chien de traîneau tire le traîneau dans la neige. (The sled dog pulls the sled in the snow.)
- Les chiens de traîneau sont très forts. (Sled dogs are very strong.)
14. Gros chien (groh shee-ehn)
Meaning: Big dog
In a Sentence:
- C’est un gros chien mais il est gentil. (It’s a big dog, but he is friendly.)
- Mon voisin a un gros chien noir. (My neighbor has a big black dog.)
15. Petit chien (puh-tee shee-ehn)
Meaning: Small dog
In a Sentence:
- Ce petit chien est trop mignon. (This small dog is too cute.)
- Ils ont adopté un petit chien. (They adopted a small dog.)
16. Chien policier (shee-ehn poh-lee-syay)
Meaning: Police dog
In a Sentence:
- Le chien policier a trouvé des preuves. (The police dog found evidence.)
- Les chiens policiers sont bien entraînés. (Police dogs are well-trained.)
17. Chien guide (shee-ehn gee-de)
Meaning: Guide dog
In a Sentence:
- Mon ami a un chien guide. (My friend has a guide dog.)
- Le chien guide aide les personnes aveugles. (The guide dog helps blind people.)
18. Chien de secours (shee-ehn duh suh-koor)
Meaning: Rescue dog
In a Sentence:
- Le chien de secours a sauvé des vies. (The rescue dog saved lives.)
- Les chiens de secours sont des héros. (Rescue dogs are heroes.)
19. Meilleur ami de l’homme (meh-yur ah-mee duh lom)
Meaning: Man’s best friend (expression)
In a Sentence:
- Le chien est vraiment le meilleur ami de l’homme. (The dog is truly man’s best friend.)
- Mon chien est mon meilleur ami. (My dog is my best friend.)
20. Berger allemand (behr-zheh ahl-mahn)
Meaning: German Shepherd
In a Sentence:
- Le Berger allemand est un chien intelligent. (The German Shepherd is an intelligent dog.)
- Mon ami a un Berger allemand très gentil. (My friend has a very kind German Shepherd.)
21. Chien de famille (shee-ehn duh fah-mee)
Meaning: Family dog
In a Sentence:
- Notre chien de famille est très affectueux. (Our family dog is very affectionate.)
- Le chien de famille adore jouer avec les enfants. (The family dog loves playing with the kids.)
22. Chien d’assistance (shee-ehn dahs-ee-stahns)
Meaning: Service dog
In a Sentence:
- Le chien d’assistance aide son maître dans la vie quotidienne. (The service dog helps its owner in daily life.)
- Un chien d’assistance doit être bien formé. (A service dog must be well-trained.)
23. Chien fidèle (shee-ehn fee-dehl)
Meaning: Loyal dog
In a Sentence:
- Mon chien fidèle me suit partout. (My loyal dog follows me everywhere.)
- C’est un chien fidèle et protecteur. (He’s a loyal and protective dog.)
24. Chien de rue (shee-ehn duh roo)
Meaning: Street dog
In a Sentence:
- Ils ont sauvé un chien de rue affamé. (They rescued a hungry street dog.)
- Le chien de rue semblait perdu. (The street dog seemed lost.)
25. Chien joueur (shee-ehn zhwa-yer)
Meaning: Playful dog
In a Sentence:
- C’est un chien joueur qui aime courir. (He’s a playful dog who loves running.)
- Mon chiot est très joueur. (My puppy is very playful.)
26. Chien de ferme (shee-ehn duh fehrm)
Meaning: Farm dog
In a Sentence:
- Le chien de ferme garde la propriété. (The farm dog guards the property.)
- Un bon chien de ferme est indispensable. (A good farm dog is essential.)
27. Chien adopté (shee-ehn ah-dop-tay)
Meaning: Adopted dog
In a Sentence:
- Ils ont adopté un chien du refuge. (They adopted a dog from the shelter.)
- Notre chien adopté est très reconnaissant. (Our adopted dog is very grateful.)
28. Chien aboyeur (shee-ehn ah-bwah-yer)
Meaning: Barking dog
In a Sentence:
- Le chien aboyeur a réveillé tout le quartier. (The barking dog woke up the whole neighborhood.)
- Leur chien aboyeur est difficile à calmer. (Their barking dog is hard to calm down.)
29. Chien affectueux (shee-ehn ah-feck-too-uh)
Meaning: Affectionate dog
In a Sentence:
- Mon chien est très affectueux avec tout le monde. (My dog is very affectionate with everyone.)
- Nous avons un chien affectueux qui aime les câlins. (We have an affectionate dog who loves hugs.)
30. Chien intelligent (shee-ehn ahn-tell-ee-zhahnt)
Meaning: Smart dog
In a Sentence:
- Les chiens intelligents apprennent vite. (Smart dogs learn quickly.)
- Mon chien intelligent comprend plusieurs commandes. (My smart dog understands many commands.)
31. Chien de race (shee-ehn duh rahs)
Meaning: Purebred dog
In a Sentence:
- Ils ont acheté un chien de race au chenil. (They bought a purebred dog at the kennel.)
- Le chien de race participe à des concours. (The purebred dog participates in competitions.)
32. Chien de luxe (shee-ehn duh lukss)
Meaning: Luxury dog
In a Sentence:
- Certains chiens de luxe portent des vêtements spéciaux. (Some luxury dogs wear special clothes.)
- Un chien de luxe a souvent un style de vie unique. (A luxury dog often has a unique lifestyle.)
33. Chien courageux (shee-ehn koo-rah-zheuh)
Meaning: Brave dog
In a Sentence:
- Le chien courageux a sauvé son maître du danger. (The brave dog saved its owner from danger.)
- C’est un chien courageux et fidèle. (He’s a brave and loyal dog.)
34. Chien protecteur (shee-ehn pro-teck-teur)
Meaning: Protective dog
In a Sentence:
- Notre chien protecteur veille sur toute la famille. (Our protective dog watches over the whole family.)
- Un chien protecteur est un bon gardien. (A protective dog is a good guardian.)
35. Chien malicieux (shee-ehn mah-lee-syuh)
Meaning: Mischievous dog
In a Sentence:
- Le chien malicieux a volé la nourriture de la table. (The mischievous dog stole food from the table.)
- Mon chiot est très malicieux mais adorable. (My puppy is very mischievous but adorable.)
Other Ways to Say “Dog” in French
Here’s a table with additional ways to say “dog” in French, including pronunciation, meaning, and example sentences.
Other Ways to Say | Pronunciation | Meaning | Example Sentences |
Chien domestique | shee-ehn doh-mehs-teek | Pet dog | Le chien domestique est obéissant. (The pet dog is obedient.) |
Ami fidèle | ah-mee fee-dehl | Loyal friend (dog) | Mon chien est mon ami fidèle. (My dog is my loyal friend.) |
Chien de protection | shee-ehn duh pro-tek-syon | Protection dog | Le chien de protection garde la maison. (The protection dog guards the house.) |
Chien sportif | shee-ehn spor-teef | Sporty dog | Ce chien sportif court vite. (This sporty dog runs fast.) |
Chien de secours en montagne | shee-ehn duh suh-koor ahn mon-tayn | Mountain rescue dog | Le chien de secours en montagne sauve des vies. (The mountain rescue dog saves lives.) |
Chien de compétition | shee-ehn duh kom-pe-ti-syon | Competition dog | Le chien de compétition a gagné le prix. (The competition dog won the prize.) |
Chien câlin | shee-ehn kah-lan | Cuddly dog | Mon chien câlin aime les caresses. (My cuddly dog loves pets.) |
Chien de thérapie | shee-ehn duh thay-rah-pee | Therapy dog | Le chien de thérapie réconforte les patients. (The therapy dog comforts patients.) |
Compagnon fidèle | kom-pahn-yon fee-dehl | Faithful companion | Mon chien est mon compagnon fidèle. (My dog is my faithful companion.) |
Chien affectif | shee-ehn ah-feck-teef | Affectionate dog | C’est un chien affectif et gentil. (He’s an affectionate and kind dog.) |
Chien d’équipe | shee-ehn day-keep | Team dog | Le chien d’équipe travaille bien avec son maître. (The team dog works well with its owner.) |
Chien de sauvetage | shee-ehn duh soh-vuh-tahzh | Rescue dog | Le chien de sauvetage a trouvé des survivants. (The rescue dog found survivors.) |
Chien adorable | shee-ehn ah-do-rah-bluh | Adorable dog | Quel chien adorable! (What an adorable dog!) |
Chien fidèle compagnon | shee-ehn fee-dehl kom-pahn-yon | Loyal companion | Mon chien est mon fidèle compagnon. (My dog is my loyal companion.) |
Chien de famille aimant | shee-ehn duh fah-mee ah-mahn | Loving family dog | Nous avons un chien de famille aimant. (We have a loving family dog.) |
Response to “Dog” in French
When talking about dogs in French, you may need responses for different situations, such as expressing interest, asking about a dog, or showing affection. Here are common ways to respond when someone mentions a dog:
1. J’adore les chiens (zhah-dor lay shee-ehn)
Meaning: I love dogs.
In a Sentence: J’adore les chiens, surtout les labradors. (I love dogs, especially Labradors.)
2. Quel beau chien! (kehl boh shee-ehn)
Meaning: What a beautiful dog!
In a Sentence: Quel beau chien! Comment s’appelle-t-il? (What a beautiful dog! What’s its name?)
3. Il est adorable (eel eh ah-do-rah-bluh)
Meaning: He is adorable.
In a Sentence: Ton chien est adorable! (Your dog is adorable!)
4. C’est ton chien? (say ton shee-ehn)
Meaning: Is that your dog?
In a Sentence: C’est ton chien qui aboie? (Is that your dog barking?)
5. J’aime beaucoup les chiens (zhem boh-koo lay shee-ehn)
Meaning: I really like dogs.
In a Sentence: J’aime beaucoup les chiens, ils sont si fidèles. (I really like dogs; they’re so loyal.)
6. Comment s’appelle-t-il? (koh-mahn sah-pell teel)
Meaning: What’s its name?
In a Sentence: Ce chien est mignon! Comment s’appelle-t-il? (This dog is cute! What’s its name?)
7. Quel âge a-t-il? (kel ahzh ah teel)
Meaning: How old is it?
In a Sentence: Ton chien semble jeune. Quel âge a-t-il? (Your dog looks young. How old is it?)
8. Est-il gentil? (es-teel zhan-tee)
Meaning: Is he friendly?
In a Sentence: Est-il gentil avec les enfants? (Is he friendly with kids?)
9. Où est ton chien? (oo eh ton shee-ehn)
Meaning: Where is your dog?
In a Sentence: Où est ton chien? Je veux le voir! (Where is your dog? I want to see him!)
10. Ton chien est très intelligent (ton shee-ehn eh tray ahn-tell-ee-zhahnt)
Meaning: Your dog is very smart.
In a Sentence: Ton chien est très intelligent, il comprend tout! (Your dog is very smart; he understands everything!)
11. Il a l’air heureux (eel ah lehr uh-ruh)
Meaning: He looks happy.
In a Sentence: Après sa promenade, il a l’air heureux. (After his walk, he looks happy.)
12. Est-il dressé? (es-teel dre-say)
Meaning: Is he trained?
In a Sentence: Est-il dressé ou encore en apprentissage? (Is he trained or still learning?)
13. Tu as un beau chien (tew ah uhn boh shee-ehn)
Meaning: You have a beautiful dog.
In a Sentence: Tu as un beau chien! Il semble très doux. (You have a beautiful dog! He looks very gentle.)
14. Il est très actif (eel eh trayz ahk-teef)
Meaning: He is very active.
In a Sentence: Ton chien est très actif; il aime courir. (Your dog is very active; he loves running.)
15. Il est trop mignon! (eel eh troh meen-yohn)
Meaning: He is so cute!
In a Sentence: Regarde ce chiot! Il est trop mignon! (Look at that puppy! He is so cute!)
16. C’est un chien de race? (say uh shee-ehn duh rahs)
Meaning: Is it a purebred dog?
In a Sentence: C’est un chien de race ou un chien adopté? (Is it a purebred dog or an adopted dog?)
17. Il semble bien dressé (eel sahm-bluh byan dre-say)
Meaning: He seems well-trained.
In a Sentence: Ton chien semble bien dressé; il obéit rapidement! (Your dog seems well-trained; he obeys quickly!)
18. Il est joueur (eel eh zhwa-yer)
Meaning: He is playful.
In a Sentence: Mon chiot est très joueur; il adore les jouets. (My puppy is very playful; he loves toys.)
19. Est-il sociable? (es-teel soh-see-abluh)
Meaning: Is he social?
In a Sentence: Ton chien est-il sociable avec les autres animaux? (Is your dog social with other animals?)
20. C’est une belle race (say oon bell rahs)
Meaning: It’s a beautiful breed.
In a Sentence: Le Golden Retriever, c’est une belle race de chien. (The Golden Retriever is a beautiful dog breed.)
21. Il est courageux! (eel eh koo-rah-zheuh)
Meaning: He is brave!
In a Sentence: Ce chien est courageux; il protège toujours sa famille. (This dog is brave; he always protects his family.)
22. Tu l’as depuis longtemps? (tew lah duh-pwee long-tahn)
Meaning: Have you had him for a long time?
In a Sentence: Ton chien a l’air âgé. Tu l’as depuis longtemps? (Your dog looks old. Have you had him for a long time?)
23. Il est si affectueux (eel eh see ah-feck-too-uh)
Meaning: He is so affectionate.
In a Sentence: Mon chien est si affectueux qu’il me suit partout. (My dog is so affectionate that he follows me everywhere.)
24. Il aime les promenades? (eel ehm lay pro-meh-nahd)
Meaning: Does he like walks?
In a Sentence: Il aime les promenades au parc? (Does he like walks in the park?)
25. Il est très protecteur (eel eh trayz pro-teck-teur)
Meaning: He is very protective.
In a Sentence: Ton chien est très protecteur envers ta famille. (Your dog is very protective of your family.)
Exercise to Practice “Dog” in French
Complete the sentences below by filling in the blanks with the correct French word or phrase for “dog.” Use the ways to say “dog” provided earlier.
- Mon _______ aime jouer dans le parc chaque matin. (My dog loves playing in the park every morning.)
- J’ai un _______ très intelligent qui apprend vite. (I have a very smart dog that learns quickly.)
- Ce _______ de garde protège notre maison la nuit. (This guard dog protects our house at night.)
- Leur _______ adopté est très reconnaissant et gentil. (Their adopted dog is very grateful and kind.)
- Est-ce que ton _______ est sociable avec les enfants? (Is your dog social with children?)
- Ils ont trouvé un _______ errant près de l’école. (They found a stray dog near the school.)
- Nous avons un _______ fidèle qui nous suit partout. (We have a loyal dog that follows us everywhere.)
- Ce _______ de compagnie adore se blottir sur le canapé. (This pet dog loves snuggling on the couch.)
- Regarde ce petit _______! Il est trop mignon! (Look at that little dog! He’s so cute!)
- Mon oncle a un _______ de chasse pour ses sorties en forêt. (My uncle has a hunting dog for his forest trips.)
- Ce _______ de berger garde les moutons dans les champs. (This shepherd dog guards the sheep in the fields.)
- Est-ce que ton _______ est bien dressé pour les compétitions? (Is your dog well-trained for competitions?)
- chien
- chien
- chien
- chien
- chien
- chien
- chien
- chien
- chien
- chien
- chien
- chien
Learning how to say “dog” in French helps you describe pets, talk about animals, and engage in everyday conversations. From common terms like chien to specific phrases like chien de garde (guard dog) or chien adopté (adopted dog), French offers many ways to express your love for dogs.
By practicing these words and phrases, you’ll be able to talk about dogs confidently in French. Use the examples, responses, and exercises to improve your vocabulary. Keep practicing, and soon, speaking about your furry friends in French will feel natural and fun!