How To Say Congratulations In French

Saying “Congratulations” in French is a wonderful way to celebrate someone’s success. Whether it’s for a graduation, a new job, a wedding, or another special event, knowing how to express joy in another language makes your message even more meaningful. French has several ways to say “Congratulations,” from formal phrases to casual expressions.

In this article, you’ll learn how to say “Congratulations” in French, discover alternative expressions, learn how to respond, and practice through fun exercises. By the end, you’ll be ready to use these phrases in real-life situations. Let’s begin!

Ways to Say “Congratulations” in French

French offers many ways to say “Congratulations,” from formal expressions to casual phrases. Below are 25 common ways to express joy and celebration, along with their meanings, pronunciations, and examples.

1. Félicitations

Pronunciation: fay-lee-see-ta-syohn
Meaning: Congratulations
In a Sentence: Félicitations pour ton mariage! (Congratulations on your wedding.) Félicitations pour votre réussite! (Congratulations on your success.)

2. Bravo

Pronunciation: brah-voh
Meaning: Well done; good job
In a Sentence: Bravo pour ton discours! (Well done on your speech!) Bravo à l’équipe pour la victoire! (Good job to the team for the win!)

3. Bien joué

Pronunciation: byan zhoo-ay
Meaning: Well played
In a Sentence: Bien joué pour ton examen! (Well played on your exam!) Bien joué à tous! (Well played, everyone!)

4. Chapeau

Pronunciation: sha-poh
Meaning: Hats off (Well done)
In a Sentence: Chapeau pour ta présentation! (Hats off for your presentation!) Chapeau à toi pour cette performance! (Hats off to you for that performance!)

5. Félicitations du fond du cœur

Pronunciation: fay-lee-see-ta-syohn dew fohn dew kuhr
Meaning: Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
In a Sentence: Félicitations du fond du cœur pour votre mariage! (Congratulations from the bottom of my heart on your wedding!)

6. Tous mes compliments

Pronunciation: too may kom-plee-mahn
Meaning: My compliments to you
In a Sentence: Tous mes compliments pour votre succès! (My compliments on your success!)

7. Mille bravos

Pronunciation: meel brah-voh
Meaning: A thousand bravos
In a Sentence: Mille bravos pour votre victoire! (A thousand bravos for your victory!)

8. Félicitation sincères

Pronunciation: fay-lee-see-ta-syohn san-sehr
Meaning: Sincere congratulations
In a Sentence: Félicitation sincères pour cet exploit! (Sincere congratulations on this achievement!)

9. C’est génial!

Pronunciation: say zhay-nyahl
Meaning: That’s awesome!
In a Sentence: C’est génial que tu aies gagné! (That’s awesome that you won!)

10. Je suis fier de toi

Pronunciation: juh swee fee-ehr duh twah
Meaning: I’m proud of you
In a Sentence: Je suis fier de toi pour ton diplôme! (I’m proud of you for your diploma!)

11. Quel exploit!

Pronunciation: kehl eks-plwah
Meaning: What an achievement!
In a Sentence: Quel exploit de finir ce marathon! (What an achievement to finish that marathon!)

12. Félicitations pour cette réussite

Pronunciation: fay-lee-see-ta-syohn poor set ray-yoo-seet
Meaning: Congratulations on this success
In a Sentence: Félicitations pour cette réussite professionnelle! (Congratulations on this professional success!)

13. Félicitations pour votre promotion

Pronunciation: fay-lee-see-ta-syohn poor voh-truh proh-mo-syohn
Meaning: Congratulations on your promotion
In a Sentence: Félicitations pour votre promotion au travail! (Congratulations on your promotion at work!)

14. On est fiers de toi

Pronunciation: on eh fee-ehr duh twah
Meaning: We are proud of you
In a Sentence: On est fiers de toi pour ta médaille! (We are proud of you for your medal!)

15. Bonne continuation

Pronunciation: bun kohn-tee-nyah-syohn
Meaning: Best of luck moving forward
In a Sentence: Bonne continuation pour ton nouveau travail! (Best of luck with your new job!)

16. Félicitations pour votre bébé

Pronunciation: fay-lee-see-ta-syohn poor voh-truh bay-bay
Meaning: Congratulations on your baby
In a Sentence: Félicitations pour votre bébé! (Congratulations on your baby!)

17. Tu l’as fait!

Pronunciation: tew lah fay
Meaning: You did it!
In a Sentence: Tu l’as fait, bravo! (You did it, well done!)

18. Félicitations infinies

Pronunciation: fay-lee-see-ta-syohn an-fee-nee
Meaning: Endless congratulations
In a Sentence: Félicitations infinies pour votre succès! (Endless congratulations on your success!)

19. Magnifique!

Pronunciation: mag-nee-feek
Meaning: Magnificent!
In a Sentence: Ton travail est magnifique! (Your work is magnificent!)

20. Félicitations pour ton diplôme

Pronunciation: fay-lee-see-ta-syohn poor ton dee-plohm
Meaning: Congratulations on your diploma
In a Sentence: Félicitations pour ton diplôme universitaire! (Congratulations on your university diploma!)

21. Heureux pour toi!

Pronunciation: uh-ruh poor twah
Meaning: Happy for you!
In a Sentence: Je suis tellement heureux pour toi! (I’m so happy for you!)

22. Félicitations bien méritées

Pronunciation: fay-lee-see-ta-syohn byan meh-ree-tay
Meaning: Well-deserved congratulations
In a Sentence: Félicitations bien méritées pour cette distinction! (Well-deserved congratulations on this honor!)

23. Je savais que tu pouvais le faire!

Pronunciation: juh sah-vay kuh tew poo-vay luh fehr
Meaning: I knew you could do it!
In a Sentence: Je savais que tu pouvais le faire, félicitations! (I knew you could do it, congratulations!)

24. C’est un exploit remarquable!

Pronunciation: say uh eks-plwah ruh-mark-ah-bluh
Meaning: It’s a remarkable achievement!
In a Sentence: C’est un exploit remarquable d’avoir gagné le concours! (It’s a remarkable achievement to have won the competition!)

25. Félicitations chaleureuses

Pronunciation: fay-lee-see-ta-syohn sha-leu-reuhz
Meaning: Warmest congratulations
In a Sentence: Félicitations chaleureuses pour votre mariage! (Warmest congratulations on your wedding!)

26. Félicitations pour cette étape importante

Pronunciation: fay-lee-see-ta-syohn poor set ay-tahp ehm-por-tahnt
Meaning: Congratulations on this important milestone
In a Sentence: Félicitations pour cette étape importante de ta carrière! (Congratulations on this important milestone in your career!)

27. Tu es incroyable!

Pronunciation: tew eh an-krwah-yah-bluh
Meaning: You are incredible!
In a Sentence: Tu es incroyable d’avoir réussi cet examen difficile! (You are incredible for passing that difficult exam!)

28. Félicitations pour votre victoire

Pronunciation: fay-lee-see-ta-syohn poor voh-truh veek-twahr
Meaning: Congratulations on your victory
In a Sentence: Félicitations pour votre victoire au tournoi! (Congratulations on your victory at the tournament!)

29. Je suis impressionné(e)!

Pronunciation: juh swee ahn-press-yoh-nay
Meaning: I’m impressed!
In a Sentence: Je suis impressionnée par ton projet! (I’m impressed by your project!)

30. Félicitations pour votre succès mérité

Pronunciation: fay-lee-see-ta-syohn poor voh-truh sook-say meh-ree-tay
Meaning: Congratulations on your well-deserved success
In a Sentence: Félicitations pour votre succès mérité dans cette entreprise! (Congratulations on your well-deserved success in this business!)

Other Ways to Say “Congratulations” in French

Here are additional ways to say “Congratulations” in French. Use these expressions to fit different occasions, from formal to informal celebrations.

Other Ways to SayPronunciationMeaningExample Sentences
Félicitations mille foisfay-lee-see-ta-syohn meel fwahCongratulations a thousand timesFélicitations mille fois pour votre mariage! (Congratulations a thousand times on your wedding!)
Formidable!for-mee-dah-bluhFantastic!Ton projet est formidable! (Your project is fantastic!)
Chaleureux applaudissementssha-leu-ruh ah-ploh-dees-mahnWarm applauseChaleureux applaudissements pour votre réussite! (Warm applause for your success!)
Félicitations pour votre triomphefay-lee-see-ta-syohn poor voh-truh tree-omfCongratulations on your triumphFélicitations pour votre triomphe au concours! (Congratulations on your triumph at the competition!)
Belle performancebehl pehr-for-mahnsGreat performanceBelle performance lors de votre discours! (Great performance during your speech!)
Excellent travaileks-say-lahn trah-vah-eeExcellent workExcellent travail sur ce projet! (Excellent work on this project!)
Tu as assuré!tew ah ah-syoo-rayYou nailed it!Tu as assuré pendant la compétition! (You nailed it during the competition!)
C’est mérité!say meh-ree-tayIt’s well-deserved!C’est mérité après tout ton travail! (It’s well-deserved after all your hard work!)
Félicitations grandiosesfay-lee-see-ta-syohn grahn-dee-ohzGrand congratulationsFélicitations grandioses pour cette réussite! (Grand congratulations on this success!)
C’est impressionnant!say ahn-press-yoh-nahnThat’s impressive!Ton talent est vraiment impressionnant! (Your talent is really impressive!)

Responses to “Congratulations” in French

When someone congratulates you in French, it’s polite to respond warmly. Here are common responses to show your appreciation and gratitude.

1. Merci beaucoup

Meaning: Thank you very much
In a Sentence: Merci beaucoup pour vos félicitations! (Thank you very much for your congratulations!)

2. C’est gentil de votre part

Meaning: That’s kind of you
In a Sentence: C’est gentil de votre part, merci! (That’s kind of you, thank you!)

3. Je vous remercie sincèrement

Meaning: I sincerely thank you
In a Sentence: Je vous remercie sincèrement pour vos encouragements. (I sincerely thank you for your support.)

4. Je suis touché(e)

Meaning: I’m touched
In a Sentence: Je suis très touché par vos mots gentils. (I’m very touched by your kind words.)

5. C’est vraiment apprécié

Meaning: It’s really appreciated
In a Sentence: C’est vraiment apprécié, merci pour votre soutien! (It’s really appreciated, thank you for your support!)

6. Merci infiniment

Meaning: Thank you endlessly
In a Sentence: Merci infiniment pour cette belle surprise! (Thank you endlessly for this wonderful surprise!)

7. Ça me fait très plaisir

Meaning: It makes me very happy
In a Sentence: Ça me fait très plaisir d’entendre ça! (It makes me very happy to hear that!)

8. Merci du fond du cœur

Meaning: Thank you from the bottom of my heart
In a Sentence: Merci du fond du cœur pour vos félicitations! (Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your congratulations!)

9. C’est un honneur

Meaning: It’s an honor
In a Sentence: C’est un honneur de recevoir ce prix. (It’s an honor to receive this award.)

10. Je n’y serais pas arrivé(e) sans vous

Meaning: I couldn’t have done it without you
In a Sentence: Je n’y serais pas arrivé sans votre soutien. (I couldn’t have done it without your support.)

11. Avec plaisir

Meaning: With pleasure
In a Sentence: Avec plaisir, je suis heureux de partager ce moment avec vous! (With pleasure, I’m happy to share this moment with you!)

12. Je suis très reconnaissant(e)

Meaning: I’m very grateful
In a Sentence: Je suis très reconnaissant pour tout votre soutien. (I’m very grateful for all your support.)

13. C’est grâce à vous

Meaning: It’s thanks to you
In a Sentence: C’est grâce à vous que j’ai pu réussir! (It’s thanks to you that I was able to succeed!)

14. Je suis honoré(e)

Meaning: I’m honored
In a Sentence: Je suis honoré de recevoir cette distinction. (I’m honored to receive this award.)

15. Mille mercis

Meaning: A thousand thanks
In a Sentence: Mille mercis pour vos bons vœux! (A thousand thanks for your good wishes!)

Exercise to Practice “Congratulations” in French

Fill in the blanks using the correct French phrases for “Congratulations” from the list provided earlier. Each sentence reflects a real-life situation to help you practice.


  1. __________ pour ta réussite à l’examen final! (Congratulations on passing your final exam!)
  2. Je suis tellement fier de toi! __________! (I’m so proud of you! Well done!)
  3. __________ à vous pour votre mariage magnifique. (Congratulations to you on your beautiful wedding.)
  4. C’est un exploit incroyable! __________! (What an incredible achievement! Congratulations!)
  5. __________ pour ta nouvelle promotion au travail! (Congratulations on your new job promotion!)
  6. Tu as fait un excellent travail! __________! (You did an excellent job! Well done!)
  7. __________ du fond du cœur pour cette belle performance. (Congratulations from the bottom of my heart on this great performance.)
  8. __________ pour avoir remporté le premier prix! (Congratulations on winning first place!)
  9. Nous sommes fiers de toi. __________! (We are proud of you. Well done!)
  10. __________ à toute l’équipe pour cette victoire mémorable. (Congratulations to the whole team for this memorable victory.)
  11. __________ pour ce projet réussi! (Congratulations on this successful project!)
  12. Merci pour vos encouragements! __________! (Thank you for your support! A thousand thanks!)


  1. Félicitations
  2. Bravo
  3. Félicitations
  4. Quel exploit!
  5. Félicitations
  6. Bien joué
  7. Félicitations du fond du cœur
  8. Félicitations
  9. On est fiers de toi
  10. Bravo
  11. Excellent travail
  12. Mille mercis


Learning how to say “Congratulations” in French helps you express joy and celebrate important moments with others. Whether you’re attending a graduation, wedding, or simply acknowledging someone’s achievement, using the right phrases shows kindness and cultural understanding.

Practice these expressions regularly to feel confident in different situations. From simple phrases like Félicitations to heartfelt responses like Merci du fond du cœur, these words will help you connect with French speakers in a meaningful way. Keep practicing, and soon saying “Congratulations” in French will feel natural and fun!

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