How To Say Why In French

Learning how to say “why” in French can be helpful in many conversations. Asking “why” helps you understand reasons and learn more about what people are saying. Whether you are curious about something or need an explanation, knowing this word can be very useful.

In French, the word for “why” is common in daily speech. It can be used in simple questions, polite requests, or even serious discussions. In this article, you will learn how to say “why” in French, discover different ways to use it, and practice with fun examples. Let’s begin!

Ways to Say “Why” in French

In French, “why” is usually translated as “pourquoi.” However, there are many other ways to ask “why” depending on the context. Let’s explore these different expressions with their meanings and example sentences.

1. Pourquoi (poohr-kwah)

Meaning: Why
In a Sentence: Pourquoi es-tu en retard? (Why are you late?) Pourquoi est-ce important? (Why is it important?)

2. Pour quelle raison (poohr kel ray-zohn)

Meaning: For what reason
In a Sentence: Pour quelle raison es-tu parti si tôt? (For what reason did you leave so early?)

3. À quoi bon (ah kwah bohn)

Meaning: What’s the point
In a Sentence: À quoi bon essayer encore? (What’s the point of trying again?)

4. Pourquoi donc (poohr-kwah dohnk)

Meaning: Why then
In a Sentence: Pourquoi donc es-tu fâché? (Why then are you upset?)

5. Qu’est-ce qui fait que (kes-kuh fee kuh)

Meaning: What makes it that
In a Sentence: Qu’est-ce qui fait que tu changes d’avis? (What makes you change your mind?)

6. Pour quelle cause (poohr kel kohz)

Meaning: For what cause
In a Sentence: Pour quelle cause luttez-vous? (For what cause are you fighting?)

7. En raison de quoi (ahn ray-zohn duh kwah)

Meaning: Because of what
In a Sentence: En raison de quoi avez-vous décidé cela? (Because of what did you decide that?)

8. Comment se fait-il que (koh-mahn suh feh teel kuh)

Meaning: How come
In a Sentence: Comment se fait-il que tu sois là? (How come you are here?)

9. Dans quel but (dahn kel bewt)

Meaning: For what purpose
In a Sentence: Dans quel but voyages-tu? (For what purpose are you traveling?)

10. À cause de quoi (ah kohz duh kwah)

Meaning: Because of what
In a Sentence: À cause de quoi es-tu malade? (Because of what are you sick?)

11. Pour quoi faire (poohr kwah fehr)

Meaning: For what purpose
In a Sentence: Pour quoi faire avez-vous besoin de ça? (For what purpose do you need that?)

12. Qu’est-ce qui explique (kes-kuh ex-pleek)

Meaning: What explains
In a Sentence: Qu’est-ce qui explique son absence? (What explains his absence?)

13. D’où vient que (doo vyen kuh)

Meaning: Where does it come from that
In a Sentence: D’où vient que tu sois si fatigué? (Where does it come from that you are so tired?)

14. Pourquoi pas (poohr-kwah pah)

Meaning: Why not
In a Sentence: Pourquoi pas aller au parc? (Why not go to the park?)

15. Qu’est-ce qui motive (kes-kuh moh-teev)

Meaning: What motivates
In a Sentence: Qu’est-ce qui motive ta décision? (What motivates your decision?)

16. Pour quelle raison exacte (poohr kel ray-zohn ex-aht)

Meaning: For what exact reason
In a Sentence: Pour quelle raison exacte as-tu quitté ton travail? (For what exact reason did you quit your job?)

17. Qu’est-ce qui cause (kes-kuh kohz)

Meaning: What causes
In a Sentence: Qu’est-ce qui cause ce bruit? (What causes that noise?)

18. Pourquoi est-ce que (poohr-kwah es-kuh)

Meaning: Why is it that
In a Sentence: Pourquoi est-ce que tu pleures? (Why is it that you are crying?)

19. Pour quelle finalité (poohr kel fee-nah-lee-tay)

Meaning: For what final goal
In a Sentence: Pour quelle finalité étudiez-vous? (For what final goal are you studying?)

20. Quel est le motif (kel ay luh moh-teef)

Meaning: What is the reason
In a Sentence: Quel est le motif de cette décision? (What is the reason for this decision?)

21. Qu’est-ce qui te pousse (kes-kuh tuh poos)

Meaning: What pushes you
In a Sentence: Qu’est-ce qui te pousse à continuer? (What pushes you to keep going?)

22. Comment cela se fait-il (koh-mahn slah suh feh teel)

Meaning: How come
In a Sentence: Comment cela se fait-il que tu sois en avance? (How come you are early?)

23. Pourquoi encore (poohr-kwah ahn-kohr)

Meaning: Why again
In a Sentence: Pourquoi encore cette question? (Why again this question?)

24. Pour quel objectif (poohr kel ob-zhek-teef)

Meaning: For what objective
In a Sentence: Pour quel objectif travailles-tu autant? (For what objective are you working so hard?)

25. Qu’est-ce qui justifie (kes-kuh zhoo-stee-fee)

Meaning: What justifies
In a Sentence: Qu’est-ce qui justifie ton comportement? (What justifies your behavior?)

Other Ways to Say “Why” in French

Here is a table showing additional ways to say “why” in French, along with their meanings and example sentences:

Other Ways to SayPronunciationMeaningExample Sentences
Qu’est-ce qui motivekes-kuh moh-teevWhat motivatesQu’est-ce qui motive son choix? (What motivates his choice?)
Pour quel motifpoohr kel moh-teefFor what reasonPour quel motif es-tu ici? (For what reason are you here?)
Comment ça se faitkoh-mahn sah suh fehHow comeComment ça se fait que tu sois là? (How come you are here?)
Pourquoi bienpoohr-kwah byanWhy exactlyPourquoi bien as-tu fait cela? (Why exactly did you do that?)
Quelle en est la causekel ahn eh lah kohzWhat is the causeQuelle en est la cause? (What is the cause of it?)
Quelle est la raisonkel eh lah ray-zohnWhat is the reasonQuelle est la raison de ton retard? (What is the reason for your delay?)
Pourquoi fairepoohr-kwah fehrWhat forPourquoi faire tout ce travail? (What is all this work for?)
En quoi cela consisteahn kwah slah kohn-seestWhat does it involveEn quoi cela consiste-t-il? (What does it involve?)
D’où vient cette idéedoo vyen set ee-dayWhere does this idea come fromD’où vient cette idée folle? (Where does this crazy idea come from?)
Qu’est-ce qui t’amène icikes-kuh tee-ah-men ee-seeWhat brings you hereQu’est-ce qui t’amène ici ce soir? (What brings you here tonight?)
Quelle est l’explicationkel eh lex-plee-kah-syonWhat is the explanationQuelle est l’explication du problème? (What is the explanation for the problem?)
Pourquoi en parlerpoohr-kwah ahn par-layWhy talk about itPourquoi en parler maintenant? (Why talk about it now?)

Responses to “Why” in French

When someone asks “why” in French, there are many polite, thoughtful, or even humorous ways to respond. Depending on the situation, you can be direct or provide more context. Here are some common responses:

1. Parce que (par-skuh)

Meaning: Because
In a Sentence: Pourquoi es-tu parti? Parce que j’étais fatigué. (Why did you leave? Because I was tired.)

2. Pour la simple raison que (poohr lah san-pluh ray-zohn kuh)

Meaning: For the simple reason that
In a Sentence: Pourquoi es-tu en retard? Pour la simple raison que le bus était en retard. (Why are you late? For the simple reason that the bus was late.)

3. C’est évident (say ay-vee-dahn)

Meaning: It’s obvious
In a Sentence: Pourquoi est-il parti? C’est évident, il était pressé. (Why did he leave? It’s obvious, he was in a hurry.)

4. Je ne sais pas (zhuh nuh say pah)

Meaning: I don’t know
In a Sentence: Pourquoi pleure-t-elle? Je ne sais pas. (Why is she crying? I don’t know.)

5. Aucune idée (oh-koon ee-day)

Meaning: No idea
In a Sentence: Pourquoi est-ce fermé? Aucune idée. (Why is it closed? No idea.)

6. Parce que je veux (par-skuh zhuh vuh)

Meaning: Because I want to
In a Sentence: Pourquoi fais-tu ça? Parce que je veux. (Why are you doing that? Because I want to.)

7. Pour le plaisir (poohr luh pleh-zeer)

Meaning: For fun
In a Sentence: Pourquoi dessines-tu? Pour le plaisir. (Why are you drawing? For fun.)

8. Ça ne te regarde pas (sah nuh tuh ruh-gahrd pah)

Meaning: It’s none of your business
In a Sentence: Pourquoi poses-tu tant de questions? Ça ne te regarde pas. (Why are you asking so many questions? It’s none of your business.)

9. C’est compliqué (say kom-plee-kay)

Meaning: It’s complicated
In a Sentence: Pourquoi as-tu changé d’avis? C’est compliqué. (Why did you change your mind? It’s complicated.)

10. Parce que c’est comme ça (par-skuh say kom sah)

Meaning: Because that’s how it is
In a Sentence: Pourquoi devons-nous partir? Parce que c’est comme ça. (Why do we have to leave? Because that’s how it is.)

11. Juste parce que (zhust par-skuh)

Meaning: Just because
In a Sentence: Pourquoi fais-tu ça? Juste parce que. (Why are you doing that? Just because.)

12. Pour une bonne raison (poohr oon bon ray-zohn)

Meaning: For a good reason
In a Sentence: Pourquoi as-tu refusé? Pour une bonne raison. (Why did you refuse? For a good reason.)

13. C’est la vie (say lah vee)

Meaning: That’s life
In a Sentence: Pourquoi tout va mal? C’est la vie. (Why is everything going wrong? That’s life.)

14. Par accident (par aks-ee-dahn)

Meaning: By accident
In a Sentence: Pourquoi as-tu cassé le verre? Par accident. (Why did you break the glass? By accident.)

15. Pour des raisons personnelles (poohr day ray-zohn per-son-el)

Meaning: For personal reasons
In a Sentence: Pourquoi as-tu quitté ton travail? Pour des raisons personnelles. (Why did you leave your job? For personal reasons.)

Exercise to Practice “Why” in French

Complete the sentences below by filling in the blanks with the correct ways to say “why” in French. Use the words and phrases you’ve learned.


  1. ______________ es-tu en retard aujourd’hui? (Why are you late today?)
  2. ______________ avez-vous changé de plan à la dernière minute? (Why did you change the plan at the last minute?)
  3. ______________ veux-tu aller à Paris cet été? (Why do you want to go to Paris this summer?)
  4. ______________ est-ce que Paul ne répond pas à mes messages? (Why isn’t Paul answering my messages?)
  5. ______________ es-tu si fatigué après les vacances? (Why are you so tired after the vacation?)
  6. ______________ avons-nous besoin de ce document? (Why do we need this document?)
  7. ______________ avez-vous quitté la réunion si tôt? (Why did you leave the meeting so early?)
  8. ______________ suis-je obligé de faire ce devoir? (Why am I required to do this homework?)
  9. ______________ est-ce fermé aujourd’hui? (Why is it closed today?)
  10. ______________ a-t-elle refusé l’invitation? (Why did she refuse the invitation?)
  11. ______________ devons-nous partir maintenant? (Why do we have to leave now?)
  12. ______________ es-tu inquiet à propos du voyage? (Why are you worried about the trip?)


  1. Pourquoi
  2. Pour quelle raison
  3. Dans quel but
  4. Pourquoi est-ce que
  5. À cause de quoi
  6. Pour quoi faire
  7. Pourquoi donc
  8. Est-il nécessaire que
  9. Qu’est-ce qui explique
  10. Pour des raisons personnelles
  11. Parce que c’est comme ça
  12. Qu’est-ce qui te pousse


Learning how to say “why” in French is an essential part of speaking the language. It helps you ask questions, understand explanations, and have deeper conversations. Whether you use simple terms like “Pourquoi” or more complex phrases such as “Pour quelle raison”, knowing these expressions will improve your communication skills.

Keep practicing the different ways to ask and respond to “why” in French. Use real-life situations to make your learning fun and meaningful. The more you practice, the easier it will be to ask questions naturally. Remember, curiosity is key when learning a new language!

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