How To Say Beautiful In French

Learning how to say “beautiful” in French can be helpful when expressing compliments or describing things you like. French is known for its poetic and elegant language, making compliments sound extra special. Whether you want to praise someone’s appearance, describe a place, or talk about something you love, knowing the right words in French makes your conversation more meaningful.

In this article, you will learn different ways to say “beautiful” in French. We’ll also cover how to say phrases like “you are beautiful” and “very beautiful.” You’ll discover common expressions, practice pronunciation, and see how to use them in real-life conversations. By the end, you’ll feel more confident using these lovely French words.

Ways to Say “Beautiful” in French

In French, there are several ways to say “beautiful.” Some words are formal, while others are casual or poetic. Here are 25 common ways, including pronunciation, meanings, and example sentences.

1. Beau (boh)

Meaning: Handsome, beautiful (masculine)
In a Sentence:

  • Ton chien est très beau. (Your dog is very beautiful.)
  • Il a un sourire beau et charmant. (He has a beautiful and charming smile.)

2. Belle (bell)

Meaning: Beautiful (feminine)
In a Sentence:

  • Ta maison est belle. (Your house is beautiful.)
  • Elle est une femme belle et intelligente. (She is a beautiful and intelligent woman.)

3. Joli (zhoh-lee)

Meaning: Pretty, nice (masculine)
In a Sentence:

  • Ce tableau est joli. (This painting is pretty.)
  • Il a un joli style de dessin. (He has a nice drawing style.)

4. Jolie (zhoh-lee)

Meaning: Pretty, lovely (feminine)
In a Sentence:

  • Tu es très jolie aujourd’hui. (You are very pretty today.)
  • Elle a une robe jolie et colorée. (She has a pretty and colorful dress.)

5. Magnifique (mag-nee-feek)

Meaning: Magnificent, gorgeous
In a Sentence:

  • La vue de la montagne est magnifique. (The mountain view is magnificent.)
  • Ton discours était vraiment magnifique. (Your speech was truly magnificent.)

6. Superbe (soo-pairb)

Meaning: Superb, stunning
In a Sentence:

  • Son jardin est superbe. (His garden is stunning.)
  • La plage était superbe au coucher du soleil. (The beach was stunning at sunset.)

7. Ravissant(e) (rah-vee-sahnt)

Meaning: Delightful, lovely
In a Sentence:

  • Elle a un sourire ravissant. (She has a delightful smile.)
  • Ce village est ravissant au printemps. (This village is lovely in spring.)

8. Éblouissant(e) (ay-bloo-ee-sahnt)

Meaning: Dazzling, stunning
In a Sentence:

  • La robe de Marie est éblouissante. (Marie’s dress is dazzling.)
  • Le paysage était éblouissant après la pluie. (The landscape was dazzling after the rain.)

9. Charmant(e) (shar-mahnt)

Meaning: Charming, lovely
In a Sentence:

  • C’est un homme charmant. (He is a charming man.)
  • Leur petite maison est très charmante. (Their little house is very charming.)

10. Séduisant(e) (say-dwee-sahnt)

Meaning: Attractive, appealing
In a Sentence:

  • Il a un regard séduisant. (He has an attractive look.)
  • Elle porte une robe séduisante. (She is wearing an appealing dress.)

11. Resplendissant(e) (res-plon-dee-sahnt)

Meaning: Radiant, glowing
In a Sentence:

  • Elle était resplendissante le jour de son mariage. (She was radiant on her wedding day.)
  • Le jardin est resplendissant au printemps. (The garden is glowing in spring.)

12. Adorable (ah-doh-rah-bluh)

Meaning: Adorable, cute
In a Sentence:

  • Ce bébé est adorable. (This baby is adorable.)
  • Son chat est tellement adorable! (Her cat is so adorable!)

13. Mignon(ne) (mee-nyon)

Meaning: Cute, sweet
In a Sentence:

  • Ton chien est vraiment mignon. (Your dog is really cute.)
  • Elle porte un chapeau mignon. (She is wearing a cute hat.)

14. Divin(e) (dee-van)

Meaning: Divine, heavenly
In a Sentence:

  • Cette robe est divine. (This dress is divine.)
  • La musique était divine à l’opéra. (The music was divine at the opera.)

15. Impeccable (im-peh-kah-bluh)

Meaning: Flawless, perfect
In a Sentence:

  • Ta présentation était impeccable. (Your presentation was flawless.)
  • Le service au restaurant était impeccable. (The service at the restaurant was flawless.)

16. Radieux(se) (rah-dyuh / rah-dyuhz)

Meaning: Radiant, joyful
In a Sentence:

  • Elle avait un sourire radieux. (She had a radiant smile.)
  • Son visage semblait radieux de bonheur. (His face seemed radiant with happiness.)

17. Exquis(e) (eks-kee)

Meaning: Exquisite, delightful
In a Sentence:

  • Cette tarte est exquise! (This pie is exquisite!)
  • Les fleurs dans le jardin sont exquises. (The flowers in the garden are exquisite.)

18. Féérique (fay-ay-reek)

Meaning: Enchanting, magical
In a Sentence:

  • Le château semblait féérique dans la lumière du matin. (The castle looked enchanting in the morning light.)
  • La fête était féérique avec toutes les lumières. (The party was magical with all the lights.)

19. Somptueux(se) (som-tyuh / som-tyuhz)

Meaning: Luxurious, splendid
In a Sentence:

  • La décoration du mariage était somptueuse. (The wedding decor was splendid.)
  • Ils ont un appartement somptueux à Paris. (They have a luxurious apartment in Paris.)

20. Élégant(e) (ay-lay-gahnt)

Meaning: Elegant, stylish
In a Sentence:

  • Sa robe est très élégante. (Her dress is very elegant.)
  • Le décor de la salle était élégant. (The room’s decor was elegant.)

21. Splendide (splon-deed)

Meaning: Splendid, magnificent
In a Sentence:

  • La vue depuis le sommet est splendide. (The view from the top is splendid.)
  • Cette journée à la plage était absolument splendide. (This day at the beach was absolutely magnificent.)

22. Sublime (soo-bleem)

Meaning: Sublime, breathtaking
In a Sentence:

  • Le coucher de soleil était sublime. (The sunset was sublime.)
  • Sa performance était tout simplement sublime. (Her performance was simply breathtaking.)

23. Envoûtant(e) (ahn-voo-tahnt)

Meaning: Captivating, enchanting
In a Sentence:

  • La musique était envoûtante. (The music was captivating.)
  • Son regard envoûtant m’a fasciné. (Her enchanting gaze fascinated me.)

24. Radieux(se) (rah-dyuh / rah-dyuhz)

Meaning: Radiant, shining
In a Sentence:

  • Elle est radieuse de bonheur aujourd’hui. (She is radiant with happiness today.)
  • Le jardin était radieux sous le soleil d’été. (The garden was radiant under the summer sun.)

25. Formidable (for-mee-dah-bluh)

Meaning: Wonderful, impressive
In a Sentence:

  • C’était une soirée formidable! (It was a wonderful evening!)
  • Ton projet est vraiment formidable. (Your project is truly impressive.)

26. Parfait(e) (par-fay / par-fet)

Meaning: Perfect
In a Sentence:

  • Son look était parfait pour l’occasion. (Her look was perfect for the occasion.)
  • Le gâteau était parfait et délicieux. (The cake was perfect and delicious.)

27. Irrésistible (ee-ray-zees-teebluh)

Meaning: Irresistible
In a Sentence:

  • Ses yeux sont tout simplement irrésistibles. (Her eyes are simply irresistible.)
  • Cette odeur de pain frais est irrésistible. (That smell of fresh bread is irresistible.)

28. Céleste (say-lest)

Meaning: Heavenly, divine
In a Sentence:

  • Le parfum de ces fleurs est céleste. (The scent of these flowers is heavenly.)
  • Sa voix est céleste lorsqu’elle chante. (Her voice is heavenly when she sings.)

29. Unique (yoo-neek)

Meaning: Unique, special
In a Sentence:

  • Chaque œuvre d’art est unique. (Each artwork is unique.)
  • Elle a un style de mode unique. (She has a unique fashion style.)

30. Exceptionnel(le) (ek-sep-syon-nel)

Meaning: Exceptional, outstanding
In a Sentence:

  • Ce spectacle était exceptionnel! (This show was exceptional!)
  • Il a fait un travail exceptionnel sur ce projet. (He did outstanding work on this project.)

Other Ways to Say “Beautiful” in French

Here’s a list of additional ways to say “beautiful” in French. These words offer a variety of expressions, from formal to casual, depending on the situation.

Other Ways to SayPronunciationMeaningExample Sentences
Charmant(e)shar-mahntCharming, lovelyElle est charmante et gentille. (She is charming and kind.)
Attrayant(e)ah-trah-yahntAttractiveCe design est très attrayant. (This design is very attractive.)
Resplendissant(e)res-plon-dee-sahntRadiant, glowingLa mariée était resplendissante. (The bride was radiant.)
Divin(e)dee-vanDivine, heavenlyLe paysage était divin au lever du soleil. (The landscape was divine at sunrise.)
Séduisant(e)say-dwee-sahntSeductive, alluringSon sourire est très séduisant. (His smile is very alluring.)
Ravissant(e)rah-vee-sahntDelightful, charmingC’est une maison ravissante. (It’s a charming house.)
Merveilleux(se)mehr-vay-yuhWonderful, marvelousLe spectacle était merveilleux! (The show was marvelous!)
Somptueux(se)som-tyuh / som-tyuhzLuxurious, splendidLa décoration était somptueuse. (The decoration was splendid.)
Envoûtant(e)ahn-voo-tahntEnchanting, captivatingLa mélodie était envoûtante. (The melody was captivating.)
Sublimesoo-bleemSublime, breathtakingLa vue du sommet est sublime. (The view from the top is sublime.)
Élégant(e)ay-lay-gahntElegant, stylishSa tenue est très élégante. (Her outfit is very elegant.)
Exceptionnel(le)ek-sep-syon-nelExceptional, outstandingIl a fait un travail exceptionnel. (He did outstanding work.)
Radieux(se)rah-dyuh / rah-dyuhzRadiant, joyfulElle avait un sourire radieux. (She had a radiant smile.)
Exquis(e)eks-keeExquisite, delightfulLes roses sont exquises! (The roses are exquisite!)
Magnifiquemag-nee-feekMagnificent, splendidLeur mariage était magnifique. (Their wedding was magnificent.)
Parfait(e)par-fay / par-fetPerfectSon look était parfait. (Her look was perfect.)
Célestesay-lestHeavenly, divineLa musique était céleste. (The music was heavenly.)
Irrésistibleee-ray-zees-teebluhIrresistibleCe parfum est irrésistible. (This perfume is irresistible.)
Uniqueyoo-neekUnique, specialChaque pièce est unique. (Each piece is unique.)
Formidablefor-mee-dah-bluhWonderful, impressiveC’était un événement formidable. (It was a wonderful event.)
Adorableah-doh-rah-bluhAdorable, cuteLe chiot est adorable. (The puppy is adorable.)
Éblouissant(e)ay-bloo-ee-sahntDazzling, stunningSa performance était éblouissante. (Her performance was dazzling.)
Splendidesplon-deedSplendid, magnificentLa vue sur la mer est splendide. (The sea view is splendid.)
Féériquefay-ay-reekEnchanting, magicalLe jardin est féérique la nuit. (The garden is magical at night.)

Responses to “Beautiful” in French

When someone compliments you by calling you “beautiful” in French, here are some polite, friendly, or charming responses you can use:

1. Merci beaucoup (mehr-see boh-koo)

Meaning: Thank you very much.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Tu es vraiment belle aujourd’hui. (You look really beautiful today.)
  • Person 2: Merci beaucoup! (Thank you very much!)

2. C’est gentil (say zhahn-tee)

Meaning: That’s kind.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Vous êtes très beau ce soir. (You look very handsome tonight.)
  • Person 2: C’est gentil, merci! (That’s kind, thank you!)

3. Je vous remercie (zhuh voo ruh-mair-see)

Meaning: I thank you (formal).
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Vous êtes magnifique! (You are magnificent!)
  • Person 2: Je vous remercie. (I thank you.)

4. Avec plaisir (ah-vek pleh-zeer)

Meaning: With pleasure.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Tu es superbe aujourd’hui! (You look stunning today!)
  • Person 2: Avec plaisir! (With pleasure!)

5. Tu es trop gentil(le) (tyoo eh troh zhahn-tee)

Meaning: You are too kind.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Tu es tellement jolie! (You are so pretty!)
  • Person 2: Tu es trop gentil(le)! (You are too kind!)

6. Merci, c’est adorable (mehr-see, say ah-doh-rah-bluh)

Meaning: Thank you, that’s adorable.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Tu es ravissante! (You are delightful!)
  • Person 2: Merci, c’est adorable! (Thank you, that’s adorable!)

7. Je suis flatté(e) (zhuh swee flah-tay)

Meaning: I’m flattered.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Tu es la plus belle personne ici! (You are the most beautiful person here!)
  • Person 2: Je suis flatté(e), merci! (I’m flattered, thank you!)

8. C’est un compliment charmant (say uh komplih-mah shar-mahn)

Meaning: That’s a charming compliment.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Tu es absolument splendide! (You are absolutely splendid!)
  • Person 2: C’est un compliment charmant, merci! (That’s a charming compliment, thank you!)

9. Je suis touché(e) (zhuh swee too-shay)

Meaning: I’m touched.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Ton sourire est magnifique! (Your smile is magnificent!)
  • Person 2: Je suis touché(e), merci beaucoup! (I’m touched, thank you very much!)

10. Merci du fond du cœur (mehr-see dyuh fohn dyuh kuhr)

Meaning: Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Tu es la personne la plus belle que j’aie jamais vue. (You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.)
  • Person 2: Merci du fond du cœur! (Thank you from the bottom of my heart!)

11. Merci infiniment (mehr-see ahn-fee-nee-mahn)

Meaning: Thank you so much.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Tu es tellement belle aujourd’hui! (You look so beautiful today!)
  • Person 2: Merci infiniment! (Thank you so much!)

12. Je suis honoré(e) (zhuh swee oh-no-ray)

Meaning: I’m honored.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Vous êtes absolument ravissante! (You are absolutely stunning!)
  • Person 2: Je suis honoré(e), merci beaucoup! (I’m honored, thank you very much!)

13. Tu me fais rougir (tyoo muh fay roo-zheer)

Meaning: You’re making me blush.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Tu es la plus belle personne que j’aie jamais vue! (You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen!)
  • Person 2: Tu me fais rougir! (You’re making me blush!)

14. C’est touchant (say too-shahn)

Meaning: That’s touching.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Ta gentillesse est aussi belle que toi! (Your kindness is as beautiful as you!)
  • Person 2: C’est touchant, merci! (That’s touching, thank you!)

15. Je suis aux anges (zhuh swee ohz ahnzh)

Meaning: I’m over the moon.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Tu es magnifique aujourd’hui! (You look magnificent today!)
  • Person 2: Je suis aux anges, merci! (I’m over the moon, thank you!)

16. Que c’est aimable! (kuh say eh-mah-bluh)

Meaning: How kind!
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Vous êtes splendide! (You are splendid!)
  • Person 2: Que c’est aimable! (How kind!)

17. C’est vraiment gentil de ta part (say vray-mahn zhahn-tee duh tah pahr)

Meaning: That’s really kind of you.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Tu es superbe ce soir! (You are stunning tonight!)
  • Person 2: C’est vraiment gentil de ta part! (That’s really kind of you!)

18. Ça me fait plaisir (sah muh feh pleh-zeer)

Meaning: That makes me happy.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Tu es incroyablement jolie! (You are incredibly pretty!)
  • Person 2: Ça me fait plaisir, merci! (That makes me happy, thank you!)

19. Tu es un amour (tyoo eh uh-nah-moor)

Meaning: You’re a sweetheart.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Tu es toujours belle! (You’re always beautiful!)
  • Person 2: Tu es un amour, merci! (You’re a sweetheart, thank you!)

20. Je l’apprécie vraiment (zhuh lah-pray-see vray-mahn)

Meaning: I really appreciate it.
In a Sentence:

  • Person 1: Tu es la plus jolie personne que je connaisse! (You are the prettiest person I know!)
  • Person 2: Je l’apprécie vraiment, merci! (I really appreciate it, thank you!)

Exercise to Practice Saying “Beautiful” in French

Below are 12 fill-in-the-blank exercises using the French words and phrases for “beautiful.” Try completing them, then check the answers provided afterward.

Fill-in-the-Blanks (in French):

  1. Ta robe est vraiment ________ ce soir. (stunning)
  2. Cette vue est tout simplement ________. (magnificent)
  3. Tu es très ________ aujourd’hui. (pretty – feminine)
  4. Le jardin est ________ au printemps. (splendid)
  5. Mon chien est ________, tout le monde l’adore! (cute)
  6. Sa voix est ________ quand elle chante. (heavenly)
  7. Elle avait un sourire ________ lors de la fête. (radiant)
  8. C’est un endroit ________ pour les vacances. (enchanting)
  9. La mariée était ________ dans sa robe blanche. (stunning)
  10. Le ciel était ________ au coucher du soleil. (breathtaking)
  11. Ce tableau est ________ et plein de couleurs. (charming)
  12. Sa performance était ________ sur scène. (dazzling)

Answers with Meanings:

  1. Ta robe est vraiment superbe ce soir. (Your dress is really stunning tonight.)
  2. Cette vue est tout simplement magnifique. (This view is simply magnificent.)
  3. Tu es très jolie aujourd’hui. (You are very pretty today.)
  4. Le jardin est splendide au printemps. (The garden is splendid in spring.)
  5. Mon chien est mignon, tout le monde l’adore! (My dog is cute, everyone loves him!)
  6. Sa voix est céleste quand elle chante. (Her voice is heavenly when she sings.)
  7. Elle avait un sourire radieux lors de la fête. (She had a radiant smile at the party.)
  8. C’est un endroit féérique pour les vacances. (It’s a magical place for vacations.)
  9. La mariée était ravissante dans sa robe blanche. (The bride was stunning in her white dress.)
  10. Le ciel était sublime au coucher du soleil. (The sky was breathtaking at sunset.)
  11. Ce tableau est charmant et plein de couleurs. (This painting is charming and colorful.)
  12. Sa performance était éblouissante sur scène. (Her performance was dazzling on stage.)


Learning how to say “beautiful” in French adds charm and emotion to your conversations. Whether you are complimenting a person, admiring nature, or describing something special, using these words will help you express yourself gracefully.

With practice, you can confidently use phrases like belle, magnifique, and splendide in everyday situations. Remember to pay attention to gender and context to sound natural. Keep practicing with the exercises and examples provided, and soon, complimenting in French will feel effortless.

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