Learning how to greet someone in another language is a fun and useful skill. In French, saying “Good morning” is a common way to start the day with warmth and politeness. Whether you’re visiting France, learning French in school, or just curious, knowing this phrase can be helpful.
In this article, you will learn how to say “Good morning” in French in different ways. You’ll also discover formal and informal greetings, special phrases for friends, and even how to respond politely. By the end, you’ll be ready to greet anyone in French with confidence.
Ways to Say “Good Morning” in French
In French, there are several ways to say “Good morning,” depending on who you are talking to and the level of formality. Here are 25 ways to express this greeting:
1. Bonjour (bohn-zhoor)
Meaning: Good morning / Hello (formal & informal)
In a Sentence:
- Bonjour, comment ça va ? (Good morning, how are you?)
- Bonjour, Madame Dupont. (Good morning, Mrs. Dupont.)
2. Salut (sah-loo)
Meaning: Hi (informal)
In a Sentence:
- Salut, Max! Bien dormi? (Hi, Max! Did you sleep well?)
- Salut tout le monde! (Hi everyone!)
3. Coucou (koo-koo)
Meaning: Hey there! (very informal)
In a Sentence:
- Coucou, tu es réveillé? (Hey there, are you awake?)
- Coucou, ça va ce matin ? (Hey there, how are you this morning?)
4. Bonne matinée (bun mah-tee-nay)
Meaning: Have a good morning (used when leaving)
In a Sentence:
- Passez une bonne matinée! (Have a good morning!)
- Je pars maintenant. Bonne matinée! (I’m leaving now. Have a good morning!)
5. Bonjour à tous (bohn-zhoor ah toos)
Meaning: Good morning everyone
In a Sentence:
- Bonjour à tous, merci d’être venus! (Good morning everyone, thanks for coming!)
- Bonjour à tous et bienvenue! (Good morning everyone and welcome!)
6. Bonjour mon ami / ma amie (bohn-zhoor moh-nah-mee)
Meaning: Good morning my friend (informal)
In a Sentence:
- Bonjour mon ami! Comment vas-tu? (Good morning my friend! How are you?)
- Bonjour ma amie, prête pour l’école? (Good morning my friend, ready for school?)
7. Bonjour monsieur (bohn-zhoor muh-syuh)
Meaning: Good morning sir (formal)
In a Sentence:
- Bonjour monsieur, comment puis-je vous aider ? (Good morning sir, how can I help you?)
- Bonjour monsieur le directeur. (Good morning, Mr. Director.)
8. Bonjour madame (bohn-zhoor mah-dahm)
Meaning: Good morning ma’am (formal)
In a Sentence:
- Bonjour madame, comment allez-vous? (Good morning ma’am, how are you?)
- Bonjour madame Dupont! (Good morning Mrs. Dupont!)
9. Salut les amis! (sah-loo layz ah-mee)
Meaning: Hi friends! (informal)
In a Sentence:
- Salut les amis, prêts pour une nouvelle journée? (Hi friends, ready for a new day?)
- Salut les amis, bien dormi? (Hi friends, did you sleep well?)
10. Bonne journée (bun zhoor-nay)
Meaning: Have a good day (used when leaving)
In a Sentence:
- Au revoir et bonne journée! (Goodbye and have a good day!)
- Merci pour votre aide, bonne journée! (Thank you for your help, have a good day!)
11. Bonjour les enfants (bohn-zhoor layz ahn-fahn)
Meaning: Good morning children
In a Sentence:
- Bonjour les enfants, prêts pour l’école? (Good morning children, ready for school?)
- Bonjour les enfants, asseyez-vous. (Good morning children, please sit down.)
12. Réveille-toi! (ray-vay twah)
Meaning: Wake up! (informal)
In a Sentence:
- Réveille-toi, il est déjà 7 heures! (Wake up, it’s already 7 o’clock!)
- Réveille-toi, le petit-déjeuner est prêt! (Wake up, breakfast is ready!)
13. Bonjour mon cher / ma chère (bohn-zhoor mohng shehr / mah shehr)
Meaning: Good morning my dear (affectionate)
In a Sentence:
- Bonjour ma chère, as-tu bien dormi? (Good morning my dear, did you sleep well?)
- Bonjour mon cher, prêt pour le travail? (Good morning my dear, ready for work?)
14. Bon début de journée (bohn deh-boo duh zhoor-nay)
Meaning: Have a great start to the day
In a Sentence:
- Je te souhaite un bon début de journée! (I wish you a great start to the day!)
- Passez un bon début de journée! (Have a great start to the day!)
15. Bonjour tout le monde (bohn-zhoor toot luh mohn)
Meaning: Good morning everyone
In a Sentence:
- Bonjour tout le monde, prêts à apprendre? (Good morning everyone, ready to learn?)
- Bonjour tout le monde, merci d’être là! (Good morning everyone, thanks for being here!)
16. Bonjour mon amour (bohn-zhoor moh-nah-moor)
Meaning: Good morning my love (romantic)
In a Sentence:
- Bonjour mon amour, tu as bien dormi? (Good morning my love, did you sleep well?)
- Bonjour mon amour, je t’ai préparé un café. (Good morning my love, I made you some coffee.)
17. Bonjour mon cœur (bohn-zhoor mohng kuhr)
Meaning: Good morning my heart (affectionate)
In a Sentence:
- Bonjour mon cœur, prêt pour une belle journée? (Good morning my heart, ready for a lovely day?)
- Bonjour mon cœur, tu veux du jus d’orange? (Good morning my heart, do you want some orange juice?)
18. Bonjour Monsieur le Professeur (bohn-zhoor muh-syuh luh pro-feh-sur)
Meaning: Good morning Professor (formal)
In a Sentence:
- Bonjour Monsieur le Professeur, voici mon devoir. (Good morning Professor, here is my assignment.)
- Bonjour Monsieur le Professeur, prêt pour le cours d’aujourd’hui? (Good morning Professor, ready for today’s class?)
19. Bonjour cher collègue (bohn-zhoor shehr koh-leg)
Meaning: Good morning dear colleague (formal)
In a Sentence:
- Bonjour cher collègue, comment s’est passée votre soirée? (Good morning dear colleague, how was your evening?)
- Bonjour cher collègue, prêt pour la réunion? (Good morning dear colleague, ready for the meeting?)
20. Bonjour et bienvenue (bohn-zhoor ay byehn-veh-noo)
Meaning: Good morning and welcome
In a Sentence:
- Bonjour et bienvenue à notre école! (Good morning and welcome to our school!)
- Bonjour et bienvenue à notre conférence. (Good morning and welcome to our conference.)
21. Bien le bonjour (byehn luh bohn-zhoor)
Meaning: A very good morning (polite, somewhat old-fashioned)
In a Sentence:
- Bien le bonjour à vous, chers invités! (A very good morning to you, dear guests!)
- Bien le bonjour, comment allez-vous aujourd’hui? (A very good morning, how are you today?)
22. Matin joyeux (mah-tan zhwa-yuh)
Meaning: Happy morning (literary or poetic)
In a Sentence:
- Matin joyeux à tous! (Happy morning to all!)
- Que ce soit un matin joyeux pour tout le monde! (May this be a happy morning for everyone!)
23. Bonjour mon fils / ma fille (bohn-zhoor mohng fees / mah fee)
Meaning: Good morning my son / my daughter
In a Sentence:
- Bonjour mon fils, il est temps de se lever! (Good morning my son, it’s time to get up!)
- Bonjour ma fille, prête pour l’école? (Good morning my daughter, ready for school?)
24. Réveillez-vous! (ray-vay-yay voo)
Meaning: Wake up! (formal or plural)
In a Sentence:
- Réveillez-vous! Le bus arrive dans 10 minutes! (Wake up! The bus is coming in 10 minutes!)
- Réveillez-vous, le petit-déjeuner est prêt! (Wake up, breakfast is ready!)
25. Je vous souhaite un bon matin (juh voo sweht uh bohn mah-tan)
Meaning: I wish you a good morning (formal)
In a Sentence:
- Je vous souhaite un bon matin et une excellente journée! (I wish you a good morning and an excellent day!)
- Je vous souhaite un bon matin, profitez de votre temps. (I wish you a good morning, enjoy your time.)
26. Bon réveil (bohn reh-vay)
Meaning: Happy waking up (used in a caring context)
In a Sentence:
- Bon réveil, chérie! (Happy waking up, darling!)
- Bon réveil à tous! (Happy waking up, everyone!)
27. Bonjour mon ange (bohn-zhoor moh-nahnzh)
Meaning: Good morning my angel (affectionate)
In a Sentence:
- Bonjour mon ange, bien dormi? (Good morning my angel, did you sleep well?)
- Bonjour mon ange, il est temps de se lever. (Good morning my angel, it’s time to get up.)
28. Matinée radieuse (mah-tee-nay rah-dyuhz)
Meaning: Radiant morning (poetic)
In a Sentence:
- Que cette journée commence avec une matinée radieuse! (May this day start with a radiant morning!)
- Quelle matinée radieuse après la pluie d’hier! (What a radiant morning after yesterday’s rain!)
29. Bonne journée à vous (bun zhoor-nay ah voo)
Meaning: Have a great day (polite)
In a Sentence:
- Merci pour votre aide, bonne journée à vous! (Thank you for your help, have a great day!)
- Passez une bonne journée à vous et à votre famille. (Have a great day to you and your family.)
30. Bonjour mes amis (bohn-zhoor meh-zah-mee)
Meaning: Good morning my friends
In a Sentence:
- Bonjour mes amis, prêts pour une nouvelle aventure? (Good morning my friends, ready for a new adventure?)
- Bonjour mes amis, comment ça va aujourd’hui? (Good morning my friends, how are you today?)
Other Ways to Say “Good Morning” in French
Here is a table with alternative ways to say “Good Morning” in French, including pronunciations, meanings, and example sentences:
Other Ways to Say | Pronunciation | Meaning | Example Sentences |
Bonjour tout le monde | bohn-zhoor toot luh mohn | Good morning everyone | Bonjour tout le monde, prêts à apprendre? (Good morning everyone, ready to learn?) |
Bon matin | bohn mah-tan | Good morning (Canadian) | Bon matin, comment ça va? (Good morning, how are you?) |
Bonjour ma chérie | bohn-zhoor mah shay-ree | Good morning my dear (f) | Bonjour ma chérie, tu veux du thé? (Good morning my dear, do you want some tea?) |
Bonjour mon trésor | bohn-zhoor mohng tray-zor | Good morning my treasure | Bonjour mon trésor, bien dormi? (Good morning my treasure, did you sleep well?) |
Réveille-toi | ray-vay twah | Wake up (informal) | Réveille-toi, c’est l’heure de partir! (Wake up, it’s time to leave!) |
Coucou | koo-koo | Hey (very informal) | Coucou, tu es réveillé? (Hey, are you awake?) |
Salut | sah-loo | Hi (informal) | Salut, prêt pour une nouvelle journée? (Hi, ready for a new day?) |
Bien le bonjour | byehn luh bohn-zhoor | A very good morning | Bien le bonjour à tous! (A very good morning to all!) |
Bonne matinée | bun mah-tee-nay | Have a good morning | Passez une bonne matinée! (Have a good morning!) |
Matin joyeux | mah-tan zhwa-yuh | Happy morning (poetic) | Matin joyeux à tous! (Happy morning to all!) |
Bonjour les amis | bohn-zhoor layz ah-mee | Good morning friends | Bonjour les amis, prêts pour l’école? (Good morning friends, ready for school?) |
Bonjour mon ange | bohn-zhoor moh-nahnzh | Good morning my angel | Bonjour mon ange, bien dormi? (Good morning my angel, did you sleep well?) |
Bon réveil | bohn reh-vay | Happy waking up | Bon réveil, il est temps de se lever! (Happy waking up, it’s time to get up!) |
Je vous souhaite un bon matin | juh voo sweht uh bohn mah-tan | I wish you a good morning | Je vous souhaite un bon matin et une belle journée. (I wish you a good morning and a beautiful day.) |
Bonjour mes chers | bohn-zhoor meh shehr | Good morning my dears | Bonjour mes chers, passez une bonne journée! (Good morning my dears, have a great day!) |
Response to “Good Morning” in French
Here are common ways to respond when someone says “Good morning” in French:
1. Bonjour à vous aussi (bohn-zhoor ah voo oh-see)
Meaning: Good morning to you too
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Bonjour! (Good morning!)
- Person 2: Bonjour à vous aussi! (Good morning to you too!)
2. Merci, bonjour! (mehr-see bohn-zhoor)
Meaning: Thank you, good morning!
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Bonjour, comment ça va? (Good morning, how are you?)
- Person 2: Merci, bonjour! (Thank you, good morning!)
3. Salut! (sah-loo)
Meaning: Hi! (informal)
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Salut! Bien dormi? (Hi! Did you sleep well?)
- Person 2: Salut! Oui, super! (Hi! Yes, great!)
4. Ça va bien, merci! (sah vah byehn mehr-see)
Meaning: I’m fine, thank you!
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Bonjour! Comment allez-vous? (Good morning! How are you?)
- Person 2: Ça va bien, merci! (I’m fine, thank you!)
5. Très bien, et vous? (tray byehn ay voo)
Meaning: Very well, and you?
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Bonjour! Comment allez-vous? (Good morning! How are you?)
- Person 2: Très bien, et vous? (Very well, and you?)
6. De même! (duh mehm)
Meaning: Same to you!
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Passez une bonne matinée! (Have a good morning!)
- Person 2: De même! (Same to you!)
7. Avec plaisir! (ah-vek pleh-zeer)
Meaning: With pleasure!
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Bonjour, merci d’être venu! (Good morning, thanks for coming!)
- Person 2: Avec plaisir! (With pleasure!)
8. Enchanté(e)! (ahn-shahn-tay)
Meaning: Nice to meet you!
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Bonjour, je m’appelle Marie. (Good morning, my name is Marie.)
- Person 2: Enchanté! (Nice to meet you!)
9. Moi aussi! (mwa oh-see)
Meaning: Me too!
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Bonjour, heureux de vous voir! (Good morning, happy to see you!)
- Person 2: Moi aussi! (Me too!)
10. Bonne journée! (bun zhoor-nay)
Meaning: Have a good day!
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Bonjour, comment ça va? (Good morning, how are you?)
- Person 2: Très bien, merci! Bonne journée! (Very well, thank you! Have a good day!)
11. Merci beaucoup! (mehr-see boh-koo)
Meaning: Thank you very much!
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Bonjour, bienvenue! (Good morning, welcome!)
- Person 2: Merci beaucoup! (Thank you very much!)
12. Pareillement! (pah-ray-yeh-mahn)
Meaning: Likewise!
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Passez une bonne matinée! (Have a good morning!)
- Person 2: Pareillement! (Likewise!)
13. Ça me fait plaisir! (sah muh feh pleh-zeer)
Meaning: It’s my pleasure!
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Merci pour votre aide ce matin! (Thank you for your help this morning!)
- Person 2: Ça me fait plaisir! (It’s my pleasure!)
14. Ravi(e) de vous voir! (rah-vee duh voo vwar)
Meaning: Happy to see you!
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Bonjour! Ça fait longtemps! (Good morning! It’s been a while!)
- Person 2: Ravi(e) de vous voir! (Happy to see you!)
15. C’est gentil! (say zhahn-tee)
Meaning: That’s kind!
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Bonjour, vous êtes magnifique aujourd’hui! (Good morning, you look wonderful today!)
- Person 2: C’est gentil! (That’s kind!)
16. Content(e) de te voir! (kon-tahnt duh tuh vwar)
Meaning: Glad to see you! (informal)
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Salut! Tu es là tôt! (Hi! You’re here early!)
- Person 2: Content(e) de te voir! (Glad to see you!)
17. Joyeuse matinée! (zhwah-yuhz mah-tee-nay)
Meaning: Cheerful morning!
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Bonjour, prêt(e) pour une belle journée? (Good morning, ready for a great day?)
- Person 2: Joyeuse matinée! (Cheerful morning!)
18. Je vais bien, merci! (zhuh vay byehn mehr-see)
Meaning: I’m doing well, thank you!
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Bonjour, comment vas-tu? (Good morning, how are you?)
- Person 2: Je vais bien, merci! (I’m doing well, thank you!)
19. Heureux(se) de vous rencontrer! (uh-ruh / uh-ruh-zuh duh voo rahn-kon-tray)
Meaning: Happy to meet you!
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Bonjour, je suis nouveau ici. (Good morning, I’m new here.)
- Person 2: Heureux(se) de vous rencontrer! (Happy to meet you!)
20. Merci, à vous aussi! (mehr-see ah voo oh-see)
Meaning: Thank you, same to you!
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Passez une bonne journée! (Have a great day!)
- Person 2: Merci, à vous aussi! (Thank you, same to you!)
Exercise to Practice Saying “Good Morning” in French
Complete the sentences below by filling in the blanks with the correct French phrase for “Good morning.” Use the examples from earlier in the article.
- ________, comment ça va aujourd’hui? (Good morning, how are you today?)
- ________, mes chers amis! (Good morning, my dear friends!)
- ________, Monsieur Dupont! (Good morning, Mr. Dupont!)
- ________, prêts pour une nouvelle journée? (Good morning, ready for a new day?)
- Passez une ________, à bientôt! (Have a good morning, see you soon!)
- ________, ma chérie! As-tu bien dormi? (Good morning, my dear! Did you sleep well?)
- ________, il est temps de se lever! (Wake up, it’s time to get up!)
- ________, bienvenue à notre école! (Good morning, welcome to our school!)
- Merci beaucoup, ________! (Thank you very much, good morning!)
- ________, content de te voir ici! (Good morning, glad to see you here!)
- ________, mon trésor! Je t’ai préparé du café. (Good morning, my treasure! I made you some coffee.)
- Passe une ________, et profite du soleil! (Have a great morning, and enjoy the sun!)
- Bonjour (Good morning)
- Bonjour (Good morning)
- Bonjour (Good morning)
- Bonjour tout le monde (Good morning everyone)
- Bonne matinée (Good morning)
- Bonjour ma chérie (Good morning my dear)
- Réveille-toi (Wake up)
- Bonjour et bienvenue (Good morning and welcome)
- Bonjour (Good morning)
- Bonjour (Good morning)
- Bonjour mon trésor (Good morning my treasure)
- Bonne matinée (Good morning)
Learning how to say “Good Morning” in French is a simple but important way to start conversations politely and warmly. Whether you’re greeting a friend, a teacher, or someone new, knowing the right phrase can make your interactions more pleasant.
By practicing these phrases, you’ll feel more confident speaking French in different settings. From informal greetings like Salut to polite expressions like Bonjour Monsieur, you’re now prepared to greet anyone at any time. Keep practicing, and soon saying “Good Morning” in French will come naturally.