Learning how to say “cute” in French can be fun and helpful. This word is used when talking about people, pets, clothes, or anything charming. Whether you are complimenting a friend or describing something adorable, knowing the right word makes conversations more enjoyable.
In French, there are different ways to say “cute,” depending on the situation. You can use these words in casual chats or when expressing affection. In this article, you will learn how to say “cute” in French, discover different ways to use it, respond to compliments, and practice with simple exercises. By the end, you’ll feel ready to use these words in real-life conversations.
Ways to Say “Cute” in French
In French, “cute” can be expressed in different ways based on who or what you are describing. Some words change depending on gender or number, while others stay the same. Here are 25 ways to say “cute” in French, with pronunciations, meanings, and example sentences:
1. Mignon (mee-nyoh)
Meaning: Cute (masculine)
In a Sentence:
- Ton chien est vraiment mignon. (Your dog is really cute.)
- Il a un sourire mignon. (He has a cute smile.)
2. Mignonne (mee-nyon)
Meaning: Cute (feminine)
In a Sentence:
- Ta robe est mignonne. (Your dress is cute.)
- La petite fille est mignonne. (The little girl is cute.)
3. Joli (zhoh-lee)
Meaning: Pretty (masculine)
In a Sentence:
- C’est un joli tableau. (It’s a pretty painting.)
- Ton chat est joli. (Your cat is pretty.)
4. Jolie (zhoh-lee)
Meaning: Pretty (feminine)
In a Sentence:
- Elle porte une jolie robe. (She’s wearing a pretty dress.)
- C’est une jolie fleur. (It’s a pretty flower.)
5. Adorable (ah-doh-ra-bluh)
Meaning: Adorable (masculine/feminine)
In a Sentence:
- Ce bébé est adorable! (This baby is adorable!)
- Ton chiot est tellement adorable. (Your puppy is so adorable.)
6. Craquant (krah-kahn)
Meaning: Cute, charming (masculine)
In a Sentence:
- Son sourire est craquant. (His smile is charming.)
- J’adore ce garçon craquant. (I love this charming boy.)
7. Craquante (krah-kahnt)
Meaning: Cute, charming (feminine)
In a Sentence:
- Elle a une personnalité craquante. (She has a charming personality.)
- Ta nièce est craquante. (Your niece is adorable.)
8. Chou (shoo)
Meaning: Sweet, cute (informal)
In a Sentence:
- Ce chat est trop chou! (This cat is so cute!)
- Tu es chou avec ton petit chapeau. (You look cute with your little hat.)
9. Choupinou (shoo-pee-noo)
Meaning: Super cute (informal, playful)
In a Sentence:
- Ton lapin est choupinou. (Your bunny is super cute.)
- Quel choupinou ce chiot! (What a cutie this puppy is!)
10. Attendrissant (ah-tahn-dree-sahn)
Meaning: Touching, sweet (masculine)
In a Sentence:
- Son geste était très attendrissant. (His gesture was very touching.)
- Le film a un moment attendrissant. (The movie has a touching moment.)
11. Attendrissante (ah-tahn-dree-sahnt)
Meaning: Touching, sweet (feminine)
In a Sentence:
- L’histoire était attendrissante. (The story was touching.)
- Sa voix douce est attendrissante. (Her soft voice is sweet.)
12. Petit (puh-tee)
Meaning: Little, cute (masculine)
In a Sentence:
- Regarde ce petit chat! (Look at this little cat!)
- Mon petit frère est trop mignon. (My little brother is so cute.)
13. Petite (puh-teet)
Meaning: Little, cute (feminine)
In a Sentence:
- Sa petite maison est adorable. (Her little house is adorable.)
- Quelle petite poupée! (What a cute doll!)
14. Charmant (shar-mahn)
Meaning: Charming (masculine)
In a Sentence:
- Il est très charmant avec les enfants. (He’s very charming with kids.)
- Un village charmant. (A charming village.)
15. Charmante (shar-mahnt)
Meaning: Charming (feminine)
In a Sentence:
- Elle est charmante avec tout le monde. (She is charming with everyone.)
- C’est une ville charmante. (It’s a charming town.)
16. Beau (boh)
Meaning: Handsome, beautiful (masculine)
In a Sentence:
- Ton chien est beau. (Your dog is handsome.)
- Quel beau garçon! (What a handsome boy!)
17. Belle (bell)
Meaning: Beautiful (feminine)
In a Sentence:
- Elle est belle comme une princesse. (She’s beautiful like a princess.)
- Quelle belle vue! (What a beautiful view!)
18. Doux (doo)
Meaning: Sweet, gentle (masculine)
In a Sentence:
- Ce chat est doux comme un agneau. (This cat is gentle like a lamb.)
- Un sourire doux. (A gentle smile.)
19. Douce (doos)
Meaning: Sweet, gentle (feminine)
In a Sentence:
- Sa voix douce est agréable. (Her soft voice is pleasant.)
- Une douce mélodie. (A sweet melody.)
20. Sympa (sam-pah)
Meaning: Nice, cute (informal)
In a Sentence:
- Cette tenue est sympa. (This outfit is cute.)
- C’est sympa de te voir ici! (It’s nice to see you here!)
21. Amusant (ah-myoo-zahn)
Meaning: Fun, amusing (masculine)
In a Sentence:
- Il est si amusant! (He’s so funny!)
- Un film amusant. (A fun movie.)
22. Amusante (ah-myoo-zahnt)
Meaning: Fun, amusing (feminine)
In a Sentence:
- Elle est amusante et souriante. (She is funny and cheerful.)
- Une histoire amusante. (A funny story.)
23. Câlin (kah-lanh)
Meaning: Cuddly, sweet (masculine)
In a Sentence:
- Son chien est très câlin. (His dog is very cuddly.)
- Un ourson câlin. (A cuddly teddy bear.)
24. Câline (kah-leen)
Meaning: Cuddly, sweet (feminine)
In a Sentence:
- Elle est toujours câline avec ses amis. (She’s always sweet with her friends.)
- Une petite fille câline. (A cuddly little girl.)
25. Coquin (koh-kan)
Meaning: Mischievous, playful (masculine)
In a Sentence:
- Ton frère est un peu coquin. (Your brother is a little mischievous.)
- Un chat coquin qui joue partout. (A playful cat that plays everywhere.)
26. Coquine (koh-keen)
Meaning: Mischievous, playful (feminine)
In a Sentence:
- Elle a un sourire coquin. (She has a playful smile.)
- Cette petite fille est bien coquine aujourd’hui. (This little girl is very mischievous today.)
27. Poupon (poo-pohn)
Meaning: Cute baby, darling (masculine)
In a Sentence:
- Regarde ce poupon adorable! (Look at this adorable baby!)
- Mon neveu est un vrai poupon. (My nephew is such a darling.)
28. Poupée (poo-pay)
Meaning: Doll, cute like a doll (feminine)
In a Sentence:
- Elle ressemble à une poupée. (She looks like a doll.)
- Sa fille est aussi jolie qu’une poupée. (Her daughter is as pretty as a doll.)
29. Mimis (mee-mee)
Meaning: Cute, sweet (informal)
In a Sentence:
- Tes chatons sont trop mimis! (Your kittens are so cute!)
- Ces petits chiots sont vraiment mimis. (These little puppies are really sweet.)
30. Bichon (bee-shohn)
Meaning: Sweetheart, cutie (informal)
In a Sentence:
- Viens ici, mon bichon! (Come here, my cutie!)
- Mon bichon adore les câlins. (My sweetheart loves cuddles.)
Other Ways to Say “Cute” in French
Here’s a list of additional ways to say “cute” in French. Each comes with its pronunciation, meaning, and example sentences to help you use them naturally:
Other Ways to Say | Pronunciation | Meaning | Example Sentences |
Tout mignon | too mee-nyoh | Very cute (masculine) | Ton chat est tout mignon! (Your cat is very cute!) |
Toute mignonne | toot mee-nyon | Very cute (feminine) | Sa fille est toute mignonne. (Her daughter is very cute.) |
Trop chou | troh shoo | So cute (informal) | Regarde ce chiot, il est trop chou! (Look at that puppy, he’s so cute!) |
Petit amour | puh-tee ah-moor | Little love/sweetheart | Mon petit amour, viens ici! (My little love, come here!) |
Choupette | shoo-pet | Sweetie (informal) | Ma petite choupette adore jouer. (My little sweetie loves to play.) |
Trésor | tray-zor | Treasure/sweetheart | Mon trésor, je t’aime! (My sweetheart, I love you!) |
Bébé | beh-beh | Baby, cutie | Mon bébé est trop adorable! (My baby is so adorable!) |
Petit ange | puh-tee ahnj | Little angel | Elle est mon petit ange. (She’s my little angel.) |
Petit bijou | puh-tee bee-zhoo | Little gem | Ce bracelet est un petit bijou. (This bracelet is a little gem.) |
Mon doux | moh doo | My sweet (masculine) | Tu es mon doux préféré. (You’re my favorite sweetie.) |
Mon douce | moh doos | My sweet (feminine) | Ma fille est mon douce chérie. (My daughter is my sweet darling.) |
Petit cœur | puh-tee kuhr | Little heart/sweetie | Viens ici, mon petit cœur! (Come here, my little heart!) |
Minou | mee-noo | Kitty, cutie (informal) | Mon minou dort sur le canapé. (My kitty is sleeping on the couch.) |
Lapinou | lah-pee-noo | Bunny, cutie | Mon lapinou adore les carottes. (My bunny loves carrots.) |
Mon chou d’amour | moh shoo dah-moor | Sweetheart, love bug | Mon chou d’amour est toujours gentil. (My love bug is always kind.) |
Responses to “Cute” in French
When someone calls you or something you love “cute” in French, it’s polite and fun to respond with a friendly phrase. Here are some common ways to reply, whether you want to express thanks or return the compliment:
1. Merci beaucoup (mehr-see boh-koo)
Meaning: Thank you very much.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Tu es trop mignon! (You are so cute!)
- Person 2: Merci beaucoup! (Thank you very much!)
2. C’est gentil (say zhahn-tee)
Meaning: That’s kind.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Ton chien est adorable! (Your dog is adorable!)
- Person 2: C’est gentil, merci! (That’s kind, thank you!)
3. Toi aussi (twah oh-see)
Meaning: You too.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Tu es tellement mignonne! (You are so cute!)
- Person 2: Toi aussi! (You too!)
4. Oh, merci! (oh mehr-see)
Meaning: Oh, thank you!
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Ce chaton est trop mimi! (This kitten is so cute!)
- Person 2: Oh, merci! (Oh, thank you!)
5. C’est adorable (say ah-doh-ra-bluh)
Meaning: That’s adorable.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Regarde cette photo, elle est parfaite! (Look at this picture, it’s perfect!)
- Person 2: C’est adorable! (That’s adorable!)
6. Trop mignon/mignonne! (troh mee-nyoh/mee-nyon)
Meaning: So cute! (masculine/feminine)
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Tu es le meilleur! (You are the best!)
- Person 2: Trop mignon! (So cute!)
7. J’adore! (zhah-dor)
Meaning: I love it!
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Regarde ces petits chiots! (Look at these little puppies!)
- Person 2: J’adore! (I love it!)
8. C’est trop chou (say troh shoo)
Meaning: That’s so cute.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Ta nouvelle coupe de cheveux est superbe! (Your new haircut looks great!)
- Person 2: C’est trop chou! (That’s so cute!)
9. Quelle douceur! (kel doo-suhr)
Meaning: How sweet!
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Ils t’ont fait un gâteau spécial. (They made you a special cake.)
- Person 2: Quelle douceur! (How sweet!)
10. Je suis touché(e) (zhuh swee too-shay)
Meaning: I’m touched.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Tu as fait tout ça pour moi? (You did all that for me?)
- Person 2: Je suis touché(e). (I’m touched.)
11. Avec plaisir (ah-vek pleh-zeer)
Meaning: With pleasure.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Merci pour ton aide, tu es adorable! (Thanks for your help, you’re adorable!)
- Person 2: Avec plaisir! (With pleasure!)
12. Pareillement (pah-ray-yeh-mahn)
Meaning: Likewise.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Tu es tellement gentil! (You are so kind!)
- Person 2: Pareillement! (Likewise!)
13. Ça me fait plaisir (sah muh feh pleh-zeer)
Meaning: It makes me happy.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Ta décoration est trop mignonne! (Your decoration is so cute!)
- Person 2: Ça me fait plaisir! (It makes me happy!)
14. Tu es adorable aussi (tyoo eh ah-doh-ra-bluh oh-see)
Meaning: You’re adorable too.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Tu es adorable avec ton nouveau manteau! (You’re adorable in your new coat!)
- Person 2: Tu es adorable aussi! (You’re adorable too!)
15. Je suis flatté(e) (zhuh swee flah-tay)
Meaning: I’m flattered.
In a Sentence:
- Person 1: Tu es la personne la plus mignonne! (You’re the cutest person!)
- Person 2: Je suis flatté(e)! (I’m flattered!)
Exercise to Practice Saying “Cute” in French
Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with the correct French words for “cute.” Use the expressions you’ve learned.
- Ton chien est vraiment ________. (masculine)
- Cette robe est ________! (feminine)
- Tes bébés lapins sont trop ________! (informal)
- Mon petit frère est ________ aujourd’hui. (masculine)
- Elle a un sourire ________ qui fait plaisir. (feminine)
- Ton chaton est ________ comme tout. (informal)
- Tu as fait un gâteau ________ pour la fête. (masculine)
- La petite maison est tellement ________. (feminine)
- Regardez ce bébé, il est ________! (masculine)
- Sa personnalité est vraiment ________. (feminine)
- C’est un village ________ que nous avons visité. (masculine)
- Mon chiot est très ________ avec tout le monde. (masculine)
- mignon (cute – masculine)
- mignonne (cute – feminine)
- mimis (cute – informal)
- mignon (cute – masculine)
- craquante (charming – feminine)
- trop chou (so cute – informal)
- adorable (adorable – masculine)
- petite (little/cute – feminine)
- mignon (cute – masculine)
- charmante (charming – feminine)
- charmant (charming – masculine)
- câlin (cuddly – masculine)
Learning how to say “cute” in French helps you express feelings of affection, joy, and admiration. Whether describing a pet, a friend, or a beautiful place, using the right word makes your conversations more fun and meaningful.
With practice, you can confidently use French words like mignon, adorable, or craquant in everyday conversations. Keep exploring new phrases, practicing responses, and using these words in real-life situations. Before you know it, saying “cute” in French will feel as natural as speaking in English!